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Reward Points:3
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think that you have poor information and need to try harder in school and get smart

0 points

I think you may be very very wrong and just don't notice it. China has been growing much more than the us, and having literally no countries that want to annihilate them they are more safe to play their cards.

1 point

No he isnt dead, oor rey and kylo ren wouldnt have been able to see eachother t the very ending

1 point

Overall, The Last Jedi was a truly symbolic and meaningfull movie to the series, putting many star wars fans on the edge to find the meaning of some things in this movie, and if you where a true star wars fan and payed attention to the context of the movie you would know that SNOOK is NOT dead, and that Ray and Kylo ren are brother and sister. Disney has done a phenomenal job producing a very questionative yet awesome action packed movie!

1 point

Economy Winner: China

For centuries, The united states has been the world's largest economy accounting for over 25% of the world's GDP. But now China has greatly surpassed the United States, accounting for 33.9% of the world's GDP. China has been the united states largest goods trading partner, with 578 billion in total goods trading in 2016. As of now, China is already the world's largest trading nation, domination the us over exporting and manufacturing. They produce 80% of the worlds air conditioners, 70% percent of the worlds mobile phones, and 60% of the worlds shoes. These are only some of the things china dominates in manufacturing industries.

Military Winner: United States

A Super-Power is mostly defined by its military strength. The us has over 2,333,000 active personnel, though china has more, China has a military budget of only 216 billion, compared to the United States budget of 601 billion. Overall The united states has a better and more advance and prepared military than China.

Political Winner: China

China and the U.S.A’s approval percentages are very different, but overall china is more approved by other countries. China is 39% approved 24% disapproved, and 29% questioned, compared the the United States being 34% approved, 35% disapproved, and 21% questioned. China aspires to a more prominent global political status over the United States, and China moreover more fit to achieving a globally trusted position.

Overall Winner:

Over the course of time it is apparent that China WILL be the next superpower, slowly surpassing the United States in influence, economy and very slightly military. Though China doesn't put enough of its money to help its poor people, China is on its graduate ascent to the top, to being the world's next superpower.

OSSAC_ES_DOH(3) Clarified
1 point

I agree with this statement, it is true that 418,000 men died fighting ww2, and if we did a mainland rain on japan, we would have lost MANY MORE.

2 points

The japanese where willing to allow 23 million casualties before surrender, so 100,00 deaths leading to surrender of japan was a MUCH better idea than a mainland raid.

1 point

The U.S.A SHOULD have dropped Little boy, and Fat man on japan, for there was no other possible factor to win other than raiding japan, and with the amount of casualties that would have occurred, because japan would have many traps and tricks when we entered their homeland. After the dropping of the bomb's, the U.S.A discovered that japan was willing to undergo 23 million CIVILIAN casualties, and when the bombs where dropped, only about 90,000-146,000 deaths, and brought japan to their surrender, instead of loosing almost triple lives on the japanese side from a full on raid of japan. This is why the U.S.A should have dropped the nuclear bombs on japan.

OSSAC_ES_DOH(3) Clarified
1 point

I agree with hudson, the more powerful kim jon us gets he gets more ideas of destruction.

OSSAC_ES_DOH(3) Clarified
1 point

If threatening the U.S.A with nuclear missiles is "survival", then there all a bunch of idiots.

Winning Position: Is Leader Snoke truly dead?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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