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RSS Rainy4

Reward Points:25
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You said yourself that to make something a human it has to have a certain level of brain activity... Now you're saying that there is no question that it is human from the start.

1 point

So what species is it before it becomes homo sapiens sapiens?

1 point

Maybe the holocaust argument doesn't work but back then black people were considered 3/5ths of a person...

So when does an embryo magically become human?

1 point

Think back to slavery and the Holocaust – both of these cases displayed an instance in which the state determined the level of personhood in certain groups of human beings. It is not our job to decide who is a "person" and who is merely a living thing. The fact that someone is human, no matter what stage or state they are in, deems basic rights.

Technically it means 'life of the embryo begins when it is formed'. The person I was arguing with before was looking for proof for life of the embryo.

1 point

You're saying that one cell is alive, but multiple cells working together and functioning are not??? That argument just doesn't make sense.

1 point

I'm sure if you google search the paper name from the citation you can find it and look for yourself

1 point

Also, you probably know that if we find one cell on Mars, scientists call it "life on mars". What's wrong with one cell on Earth?

1 point

I didn't check the citation before, but what's wrong with it? It says "Gary C. Schoenwolf ... et al.. "Development go the Urogenital system." Larsen's human embryology etccccc

1 point

I found another piece of proof.

"While most organ systems develop from the third week to the eighth, embryonic life begins at conception.[2]"

1 point

If a woman is barren, does that make her not alive? There are some characteristics that are not developed, but most are (cells, can grow, homeostasis, and maybe more but I'm not sure about some).

Winning Position: Yes, it is a common problem

About Me

"I am currently in high school."

Biographical Information
Name: Megan 
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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