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RSS RenRipples

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Pedophiles are attracted to children, attracted to the control and vulnerability of children their weakness and them being unknowing of what to do , the control and manipulation of our most precious resource, our future. They should be shot in the head, or if that is too much for some people castrated, not chemically castrated because they can easily take something to return the means to rape have all their sexual organs removed so they don't have the urge any longer nor the means, Statically each pedophile convicted has raped 250 children(those are reported cases think of the children who can't speak) that is 250 + children per pedophile whose lives and their family's been shattered it doesn't just affect the victim, it effects the family, and the community and will effect all involved for life. why should they be pampered? they took what was not their's to take. They lost all rights to being treated with dignity the minute they stole a child's right's away, the right to grow up not being violated. they are disgusting vile non treatable demons no longer human yes they were once innocent children some who were violated some who were not ( a high percentage were not, but suffered child abuse, another percentage lived perfectly normal and happy lives but like the control and manipulation, the perversion of innocence) Yes these monsters are children of innocent people guess what many have said they would rather them dead remembering them for what they were not what they became. Time to put a stop to this, millions of lives are being affected, i feel the same way about rapists and men who pray on naive teenagers they have no control, there are females and males who are raping either lock them up , euthanize them or remove sexual organs so they no longer have the means , no means and no urge equals safety. may sound sick to some but i think its sicker to allow them on the streets to harm innocent children.This has been a plague that needs to be stopped. This effects the victim, family and friends of the victim the community and the world, this also effects the pedophiles family, and friends all this hurt needs to stop it has gotten out of control, everyday a child is abducted raped and possibly murdered striking fear and heartache for everyone. From a victim, stop allowing this.

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