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RSS Riseabove1

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Aside from violence, there is another element of the story that alludes to conservative viewpoints that is very subtle. If we take a closer look at the role of capsule corporation you notice that they are the dominant corporate entity and were competitive rivals with the "Red Ribbon Army." This is the most blatant reference to communism in the entire series, as "reds" was a common word for communists after WW2 and used heavily in anti-communist literature.

The red army are often portrayed as either soldiers (in german military uniforms) or agents in black suits which resemble ones that might be worn by KGB agents. The Red Ribbon Army is also responsible for the creation of robotic assassins who stoically hunt the protagonists in service of their masters who seek world domination. Seems a little similar to the way communists are portrayed in McCarthyist propaganda.

Capsule corporation inherits the savior role in this dynamic, notice how they are a corporation vs an army, a government agency. This is exactly how conservatives try to portray their enemies during elections as these evil shady crooks with communist ties etc. This kind of rhetoric is routine for business owners, so it is no surprise that a manga company would try to capitalize on this.

So yeah, there are a lot of conservative references in the series. Another thing that made me intially ponder this was the idea that capsule corp seems to own a lot of public goods as well. Parks, stadiums, etc.

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