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RSS SadisticGirl

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.

Having one is completely fine, but taking a child that potentially may not have a future is a great thing to do.

Do we shit sometimes when we give birth? I never knew of we did, but if so don't penalize us for it. We push quite hard.

I couldn't have said it better. Nice job. I was going to say the answer is mostlu "yes" but also "no".

2 points

Not at all. A baby has not been able to gain understanding of whats right and wrong. If the baby does something bad that baby will have no idea about what it is doing.

Once I saw Passion of the Christ my view of Jesus never changed. He was crucified.

2 points

Maybe that planet is governed by another God. Most likely not, but anyways, maybe you have found a hole in Christianity.

2 points

Effort into their appearance? I don't think putting on pounds of make up really makes you look any better. There will always be those guys that like a girl for who they are.

As a tactic to desperatepy return fire? Yes. It doesn't always have to affect humans. It can kill a plant species or an animal species to cripple a nation from the inside.

It's disgusting. It's unhealthy and unapealling to others and is quite disturbing.

First off I think it's inhumane.


A bio weapon can't be controlled. It could kill thousands and when the enemy country surrenders or requests peace talks it will continue to kill.

I bioweapon can be controlled. It is supposed to kill or hurt the enemy. It's not supposed to be taken back. That is beauty of war.

This spread would cause severe backlash resulting in more war.

Is that bad?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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