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RSS Shad0wSlayer

Reward Points:1
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

One could ask how are people retarded enough to vote for Trump. The UN has declared him a global threat.

1 point

Probably nobody is going to read this in the sea of responses, but it makes me feel good to post my opinion.

Time travel, right now, for us is IMPOSSIBLE.

I cannot state anything about time travel to the past, that is a mystery to science.

However time travel to the future is a very VERY real possibility. Just by simply being around an object with extremely high mass is enough to change the flow of time relatively. If one were to situate themselves near a black hole or a large planet time would flow normal for them, but on earth relatively time would appear to move faster.

I could spend 5 minutes near a black hole and upon returning, see 5 decades pass on earth. Would you call this travelling through time? Seeing the world advance 50 years in just 5 minutes?

The exact same thing can happen if one travels near the speed of light. Relativity kicks in and time on earth seems to speed up.

Anyone that states otherwise, please explain how advancing 50 years into the future in a span of 5 minutes is not time travel.

1 point

I find this Japanese show called Doraemon far more disturbing. In majority of the episodes the main character: Nobita attempts to peek on a girl bathing and uses many futuristic tools to succeed.

This may not be much of an issue if it wasn't on channels recommended to children below 10 and broadcast internationally all day. I live in India and a lot of children watch this show, this is something I am highly against for it corrupts the mind of children with perverted thoughts

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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