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RSS ShiTing

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is true that cars is more convenient for people, be it students, teachers or even the elderly, as it is way easier to travel than taking and squeezing in a train every morning or evening ; televisions to entertain us ; Internet to be able to socialize easier. However, to think from a naturalist's view, all these are actually very harmful to the environment, and even, to us. Cars produce a lot of harmful gases that contribute to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As these greenhouse gases increase continuously without us humans doing anything to maintain it at a constant level, there will be an increase in the Earth's overall temperature, causing global warming. As for televisions and internet, they do help us get out mind of stressful work, but they use up a lot of electricity. Most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. This produces carbon dioxide and other emissions that add to the greenhouse gas already in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. To conclude, global warming can be really harmful to the society as it really baneful to a person's health. Thus, I strongly disagree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society.

In this case, I'll treat the word 'society' as 'a body of individuals living as members of a community'.

1 point

It is true that cars is more convenient for people, be it students, teachers or even the elderly, as it is way easier to travel than taking and squeezing in a train every morning or evening ; televisions to entertain us ; Internet to be able to socialize easier. However, to think from a naturalist's view, all these are actually very harmful to the environment, and even, to us. Cars produce a lot of harmful gases that contribute to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As these greenhouse gases increase continuously without us humans doing anything to maintain it at a constant level, there will be an increase in the Earth's overall temperature, causing global warming. As for televisions and internet, they do help us get out mind of stressful work, but they use up a lot of electricity. Most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. This produces carbon dioxide and other emissions that add to the greenhouse gas already in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. To conclude, global warming can be really harmful to the society as it really baneful to a person's health. Thus, I strongly disagree that technology is more of a boon than a bane to society.

In this case, I'll treat the word 'society' as 'a body of individuals living as members of a community'.

4 points

I do not agree that technology is more of a boon or bane to society. Yes, technology can help us in many things in life. However, advancement of computer games and handphones can cause a person to isolate himself/herself from their family and friends, and even death. Advancement inthis sense is defined as more computer games and handphone games. When people are addicted to a game, they neglect their own health because they spend too much time on the electronic devices and when it becomes a habit, they end up being too lazy to exercise outdoors. Not only that, people "take up" their sleeping time just to continue playing computer games or handphone games. We know that sleeping late like 2-3am or even 4-5am in the morning can really be harmful to a person's health. From recent article, a 25 year old teenager died out of the blue due to poor health-sleeping late at night and not exercising. In addition, their meals are irregular. These are all bad to one's health. Technology can improve our lives in certain ways, but resulting in death can be really serious. I believe that technology is more of a bane than boon in society.

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