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RSS SkylabOne

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1 point

I have to disagree with the statement because it does not differentiate between working immigrants and asylum seekers; these groups are really completely different and therefore the 146,000 mentioned in the introduction seems like a big number, but considering all the people moving out of the Netherlands the leftover surplus of immigrants is much less.

That said, I believe that people should learn the language, but in the first place for themselves. I have lived in multiple continents and countries, and even a basic knowledge of the local language will help participating in society.

On the other hand, I work in an international firm where more than 50% of the employees is from outside the Netherlands. With only 120 employees, we have more than 60 different nationalities, from literally all over the world. Most of them do not speak Dutch, even after years of living in the Netherlands. They still cope fine, because if you speak English you will not miss out on anything in this country.

My last remark on immigrants is that I have two sisters, both Dutch, but neither born in the Netherlands. They are both raised in Asia and do not speak a word of Dutch. Still, when the oldest finished high school, she moved to Amsterdam to join University there. She has all the local rights, such as Studiefinanciering and student OV, but upon moving here it was only the second time in her life that she set foot on her fatherland. After finishing her studies she will most probably move to another country again. There are thousands like her that make use of the education system here, and then move to another place again. She may be my sister, but she costs the tax payer more money than an immigrant who comes here to work.

Asylum seekers are a whole different story. Depending on what they have fled from and where it is simply not always possible to send them back. When all there legal remedies have exhausted they will be send back, but should we, as the Netherlands pay for their integration course when they are here? I say yes; for the simple reason that when they get a valid visa, it will be much easier for them to fully integrate, find a job, and make a living.

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