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RSS SniperCat30

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

I honestly don't see a war happening anytime in the future, at least not at the caliber of the previous world wars. If anything, the closest thing to a war that anyone could reasonably predict, would likely be the members of the UN vs. the volatile Middle east, if and when the Middle East acquires nuclear weapons.

ps. If there really is a World War III, then one thing that will be for sure is that World War IV shall be fought with sticks and stones.

1 point

I think you have a misunderstanding of the apocalypse that is predicted to happen in the year 2012. Although there has been implications that have been supported by multiple ancient civilizations of an apocalypse, the actual meaning is quite contrary to popular belief. You see, apocalypse in its purist roots, actually means an unveiling of something the has been previously hidden/veiled. This then suggests that some sort of great awakening/enlightenment is coming rather than the great global catastrophe that everyone believes is inevitable.

1 point

I feel as though you yourself have misunderstood a little.

Money=power in any type of modern day political/socio-economic system so your statement that Capitalism concentrates power to the rich isn't really valid. Moreover in my opinion, Capitalism simply gives everyone the opportunity to become rich through their personal hard-work and dedication, and thus capitalism can work in correspondence with democracy.

2 points

I think your idea has potential, however there are two fundamental factors that must be put into account before this plan can become practical.

A.) The fact that the ground really isn't level, so the funnel wouldn't really be able to enclose the whole thing meaning the oil could still leak out. (If this happens the funnel structure could potentially tip over)

B.)The sheer pressure and magnitude that the oil is being emitted at. A massive concrete slug blast couldn't even prevent the oil from leaking. (Even if your suggested contraption doesn't fall prey to structural damage can you imagine the speed of the oil as it surges into the ships from an 18 inch in diameter tube? Dude it would pretty much be the equivalent of a torpedo hitting the ship)

A slight change in your plan might be to perhaps have an intersection point of the tube where it diverges into separate tubes of the same diameter so the speed of the oil is decreased.

1 point

The prompt is in essence an oxymoron, and slightly a paradox. There is no such thing as legalized theft because theft is illegal. I guess the question is really asking whether or not taxes are good. And for that, like most things, I believe the key is moderation. (I'm not going to go into specifics.)

1 point

The trade-off is clear; do you want an extremely productive society with a handful of extremely wealthy people while everyone else remains uncared for or a productive society of a more equal distribution of wealth where the average person enjoys an extremely high standard of living?

It's the difference between a society where a man could, possibly, maybe, become rich but will most likely be relatively poor. Or a society where noone can become rich but everyone is well-off.

Let me ask you this, in a society where noone can become rich but everyone is well-off, what then becomes the source of motivation that will drive people, (scientists, entrepreneurs, philosophers) , to work hard, contribute to society, and strive to make the advancements that will push their society ahead of others. If I know that no matter what I will be "well-off" what reason do I have to get off the couch and build roads. While I must admit that the free enterprise certainly has its flaws, I believe that ultimately, capitalism promotes progress, while socialism promotes idolism.

2 points

Although LS travel would crush us, it doesn't mean we can't do it. Using the aforementioned methods humans could in essence accomplish such a task, they would just die in the process.

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"I strive to lead a virtuous life."

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Country: United States

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