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RSS Somebody7136

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.

Yea right. Minecraft stops most of the tit sucklers who want to make 20 alt accounts. 5 words: Everything is handed to you.

EVERYONE!!! Look at this!!! This proves that minecraft players are more mature then the little kids who waste time on ro-shit. orMinecraft

Shut up and go back to too town you stanky whore. Get a life please! ROBLOX has tons of immature tit sucklers.

How is it gettin better? They added BC only games, they removed the insert tool, and they constantly break scripts and shit that nobody cares about.

Hmmm, about 6,000,000 would like to. SUUUUUCK A DIIIIICK.

Who gives a fuck about swearing, ROBLOX is filled with little kids who cry when I use my delete tool.

1 Place? Are you fucking kidding me? You can have TONS of single player worlds. You have to pay money to have more than one in roblox. There are, what, around 1,000,000 multiplayer servers? ROBLOX is filled with immature little kids, whereas minecraft has ALOT of mature players. ROBLOX is terirble.

Ok first all, you should be warned as a little child about this language: Ok kid, who gives a fuck about graphics. "I like ROBLOX because minecraft is pixated which makes it bad". Fuck you kid, you seriously judge a game on its graphics? Well then ill judge ROBLOX. It lags like hell. It's filled with exploiters. The owners are moneywhores. Models are stealable. You get in trouble for swearing. The character looks like a monkey took a shit all over it. Atleast in minecraft you can customize your skin For FREE, whereas you have to pay to make your own good shirt in ROBLOX. Yah fool. But seriously, who judges a game by its graphics? Tell that to the 6,000,000+ people who paid for this great game. Ro fuckin bloks can suck a dick.

Ok first all, you should be warned as a little child about this language: Ok kid, who gives a fuck about graphics. "I like ROBLOX because minecraft is pixated which makes it bad". Fuck you kid, you seriously judge a game on its graphics? Well then ill judge robl

Yea, roblox is literally a CPU whore. ROBLOX = worst game ever scripted.

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