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RSS Soraya

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
Soraya(23) Clarified
1 point

There are no changed words. In all honesty please pout some more knowledge and evidence. LDS people use faith.

1 point

Yes but there should be some test to know what they are doing and why and they are voting for so they should get a test in all

Soraya(23) Clarified
1 point

So first thing never belive what you hear by television or articels that are not from

People tend to think that we are very cruel and brain wash people. So for example christians we as mormons belive the same thing but just taught differently. But to get more in knoledge find what church you are zoned for and go there and see what happens at church and TO GET ALL OF THE INFO go to LDS.ORG

1 point

Yes people should take a test! People need to know what they are doing and who they are voting for with a pro/con idea.

1 point

He conquered death for people like us could go back to heaven and have eternal life with him and god He died for our sins. I am a Mormon!

1 point

Yes, equallity for all. But i belive it is really bad for instance, Your child goes into a bathroom by them selves a guy dresses up as a woman, goes into the bathroom, abducts,rape,kidnaps your child. What they are saying is not to ban transgeender people it is to take away the bad people from haveing a chance same for little boys. The same thing can happen to them too, like a crazy woman dress ups as a guy and does bad things to your little boy. If you are a trans person go befor you go out and if you have to go out again and pee/poop go to the single used bathrooms. Just know your un-band thing is just another way for predators to kill/kidnap/rape other people! Bad things haooen all the time.

Soraya(23) Clarified
0 points

Get a better condom or don't have sex if you're planning for some time of "pleasure" just to murder something that was under your control

Soraya(23) Clarified
1 point

Yes it deserves rights , and if you knew there was gonna be a baby should have made a plan not to. It's kinda like a planned murder tbh

1 point

Like fr they should have just , wore a condom or took plane b

1 point

NO what of he just wantted to die for us so we could go back to him!

Winning Position: No I do not

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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