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RSS Spiiroos

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

The burden of proof for the existence of a God falls wholly on theists. An Atheist's position is simply that any claim that has no basis or evidence can be dismissed until it is backed.

There is no reason for anyone to believe in something unless it can be demonstrated or backed by concrete evidence, and as far as anyone could tell, there isn't anything that explicitly points to the existence of a divine entity besides wishful thinking or suspicious anecdotes.

1 point

The word "significance" according to Oxford dictionary is:

"The quality of being worthy of attention; importance" or "The meaning to be found in words or events."

and the word "objective":

"(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts."

So, you see, meanings and what is deemed worthy of attention depend wholly on the perspective of the individual. In other words, IT IS influenced by personal feelings or opinions. Therefore, the two words "objective" and "significance/importance" are contradictory in nature and for that reason you can't have objective significance or importance.

PS: I found it needless to mention the definition of the word "Importance" since it is synonym with the word "significance".


Definition of objective:

Definition of significance:

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Biographical Information
Name: Sabri Ben Chaabane
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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