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RSS StyxHexen

Reward Points:180
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Freedom of speech but not freedom from the consequences of said speech on another man's private property.

1 point

Trump Says Nazis Are "Good People".

Fake news, but fake news is all the left has.

1 point

The left says the government can't compel speech until it can. They say it's a private company, then demand it does as it is told by big brother government. Corporatism now rules the West.

1 point

I don't like either of them, so I could not care less. Both are establishment shills there to make right wingers feel like they have a voice. They do not have a voice. The entire media complex is built on protecting their owners, the millionaires and the billionaires. Key word there is entire.

1 point

By the way, try learning something today.

1 point

Hah ha ha! Losing millions of jobs, then recovering 200,000 quickly isn't adding jobs you dolt. It's recovering 1/15th of what you destroyed. You're own article points out that inflation is through the roof because it can't spin rising costs that people can physically see when they go to the store.

1 point

Yes. Ships blocked en mass at ports, same wages vs higher prices, and nothing on the shelves is what an economy in shambles looks like.

1 point

Hmm, yes. You cant talk about the joblesness numbers or inflation, so try to switch to some obscure, fuzzy, unrelated logic. Hey lookie here, all things considered, it could be worse, wink wink. Nothing to see here folks. Just ignore your empty wallet and the rising costs and trust that the ship isn't sinking and on fire. That's not smoke you see or smell. That's fog from the mystical fog world.

1 point

This looks to me like another Trumpling version of "grasping at straws".

What do you mean? This is the exact path of logic the left uses to promote the Obama economy.

1 point

This week, the people who got their jobs back last week, LOST 'em again.

Unfounded claim with no source because it's an unfounded claim. What makes it the most obvious is that jobs numbers are done monthly, and there clearly are no July numbers yet because the month just started.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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