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RSS TheGod

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8 most recent arguments.
2 points

The enforcement of the law, the “uncruel” method of execution, and the safety of the innocent people should be promoted by allowing the death penalty of the 8th Amendment. The 8th Amendment states that no cruel and unusual punishments should take place, but execution is done under painless conditions. The death penalty is not to be taken easily, and does not happen frequently compared to the population of the whole country. It takes several years and even decades to prove the criminal’s wrongdoings and makes sure that the criminal is not innocent.

1 point

Seeing your relatives is not considered a right in the United States. Many criminals prefer death over a life sentence because of jail's harsh conditions. Weak or small prisoners are harassed and raped within prison, is this really worse than execution that is not painful? You have avoided the debate question once again and simply going back to having sympathy with the criminals rather than wanting to serve justice.

2 points

Giving one specific example for a cruel punishment provides little to no context when considering that the united states holds 25% of the worlds prisoners. We have a lot of evidence suggesting most executions are considered not cruel by jury's dictation.

1 point

Death punishment is not only to comfort the victim's family, it is also to serve justice and prove a point. The difference between killing the criminal and locking them up for long periods of time are minimalistic when it comes to comfort or "help".

2 points

Criminals of murderous incidents, killing, and injuring many innocent people cannot be easily forgiven. It is only fair that their lives be taken due to their unjust actions.

0 points

With the painless condition, the death penalty should not be considered “cruel” as prisoners are severely depressed in their cells. Many of the prisoners’ rights are already lost. Within prison, especially when facing a life long sentence, many of one’s rights are lost, therefore losing the right to life should not be frowned upon over every other pernicious action. The debate question asks whether or not the death penalty should be allowed under the 8th amendment. The 8th amendment states that “cruel” punishments are not to be inflicted upon prisoners. Therefore the syllogism suggests the answer to the debate question to be yes.

2 points

America is too fat to be a good country. #rektm8 British ftw

1 point

America is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is goodAmerica is good

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