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RSS TheKirb

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

No, but it is an attempt to do something that would be easily accomplished by sitting and at a more comfortable center of gravity I might add.

1 point

You're saying that standing completely upright you can take your arms and wipe yourself front to back without arching your spine in the slightest ? If so, bravo, because it's impossible by modern mechanics. I'm saying that the motions you use are a simulation of a wipe you can do whilst sitting. So why imitate it when you can merely do it ?

0 points

That is nonsense, No arm can physically reach from front to back while remaining in a standing position. You would have to squat over and emulate a sitting position to even do the motions themselves. You're practically arguing sitting while not resting on the toilet !

1 point

I believe thoroughly that Agnosticism is the best possible mentality to maintain in a religious sense. Despite what everyone says, no one has an answer at all as to how it began or will end. Religious people will say God made it and will be there for us at absolution. Atheists say shit blew up, here we are and that's it. As an agnostic the general ideal is to not argue with anyone and merely weigh all the facts, ideals and theories accordingly and then base your judgment on that. It is the most open minded mentality possible as well as the most humble.

1 point

The correct posture of sitting allows a better trajectory for your arm. It's easier to wipe and more efficient if you wipe in short, wipes from back to front, stopping short of the genitalia of course.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Matthias Kirby
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Postal Code: 33021
Religion: Atheist
Education: High School

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