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RSS TheMuddyFox

Reward Points:3
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I consider the willingness to die for the greater good to be a good quality.

Granted, dying needlessly is stupid, so it should be avoided. Jesus himself demonstrates his hesitation to die in Luke 22:42, also implying that there was no other way for him to achieve God's greater purpose (which would achieve the greater good).

0 points

A number of religions (and interpretations of religions) do believe in the existence of God but do not believe in the existence of a Hell, suggesting an alternate fate for those who do not achieve that religion's salvation (an alternate fate such as reincarnation or merely non-existence after death). How would you feel about the circumstance of God existing, but no Hell existing?

0 points

If there is a God, presumably he is in touch with (or somehow related to) the "meaning of life," that is, with what makes life existentially positive rather than neutral or negative. If God exists, then, It gives humans a possible path to make our existences meaningful.

4 points

Bender, when overclocked, went through a personal technological singularity, which eventually culminated in an existential singularity wherein he used the working of the universe itself as part of his consciousness. All of which took place over a matter of days. So, that's pretty cool.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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