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RSS Thoughtz

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes, in a world were universal and common threats exist for people, they should have the right to defend themselves from those threats.

Because its impossible to remove all the guns from the world, and passing laws restricting guns will only be followed by law abiding citizens. It's illogical to only disarm the citizens. (Which is basically all that law is capable of doing)

That's basically leaving the teeth in the mouth of the wolves and turning men into sheep.

1 point

Yes, it Comes down to having a balanced diet. A diet that is tipping the scales with vegetarian only meals that leave you with deficiencies, Is not what I would call a balanced diet.

If you need to take an artificial supplement in order to not have a deficiency, that is not a balanced diet. What do you think people were expected to do before that supplement existed? Humans lived on the Paleo diet, which included animal saturated fat, and vegetables. A balanced diet is not just a vegetarian diet because it is not healthy for you, nor natural. You need saturated fats from animal fats for an optimal diet. Especially omega 3's.

MCT oil is fantastic for this, you can convert this to energy with little to no digestive process. I pointed out how a pure vegan diet isn't healthy for kids. You have to supplement it just for it to work. In other words your have to pretend you are on a different diet.

Can you do this? I guess, but why would you when you can do it in a more healthy and natural way. I care for the treatment. I only eat grass fed animal, open range vegetarian chicken and farmed eggs. Grass fed butter and MCT oil and I eat alot of organic kale salads.

You should really check out the Bulletproof diet. I teach Jiu-Jitsu and depend on health and stamina. I have to cut weight and can tell the difference between what diets work and don't work and what allows you to loose weight and retain or even improve energy.

But everybody is different, if it works for you, go for it.=)

I tried pure vegan diets, and I lost weight, yeah, but my cardio was horrible, I felt lethargic and couldn't handle intense workouts without a supplement... That told me my body needed something more that a pure vegan diet was providing. It was unnatural for my body to just eat that.

3 points

80% of long term vegans are deficient in vitamin B12, which is needed for proper mental function.


50% of long term vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12. (

B12 deficiency causes dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, and degenerative mental disorders.(

Kids who eat a vegan diet are deficient in B12 and have impaired brain function. This reverses when they start eating animal products. (

Vegetarians and vegans have lower muscle creatine and carnosine levels. (



Grass-fed meat is higher in omega-3’s, CLA, TVA, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. (







Saturated fat is not associated with cardiovascular disease. This is supported by almost every high quality observational study ever conducted (not that this really matters, since it’s observational data)




Saturated fat does not raise cholesterol levels over time.

( 524.full.pdf)

Saturated fat raises HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, and decreases the oxidation of cholesterol.


1 point

Your logic is still fallacious. If you remove all the guns in the world, then a person intent on murder would just use the next easiest thing to do it with.

Although the point is mute, because its impossible to remove all the guns in the world, we can still look at our past, when guns didn't exist yet, and people still went to war and murdered.

It's also silly to say that guns don't serve a purpose. They provide food for some people still to this day and they provide protection for others.

My mother was kidnapped when I was two and barely escaped with her life, she now legally carries a pistol at all times, as do I.

So again, lets show the fallacy of your logic, you now say a car is different because its harder to kill someone with it. Ok, well a knife is a universal tool needed for cutting and cooking, but yet it can be used to kill. It can actually be just as easy to kill, maybe even easier, because its quieter and easier to get than a gun. Should we ban all knives too?

1 point

Your argument is presented as a preference of how you would rather live, and that preference is based on fallacious logic that if a person can use something to kill you easily, no one should be allowed to have it.

So following your logic, we should not be allowed to have cars either, because at any moment, some one can drive on to a sidewalk and run you over.

1 point

Your incorrect again, the bible doesn't say God created man from nothing. In fact, the bible says this...

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

He just says he made man, he doesn't say what from, what process or how. He doesn't even mention HOW LONG it took to make man. The origonal hebrew word used was "yowm" which can be translated to mean two things literal day, or as a figurative day for a period of time to be defined by associated words.

This is supported with other verses that state ""... that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,

and a thousand years as one day."

So the truth of the matter is that God did not explain how he made man, or how long it took him. Evolution, could very well be the manner in which he created.

To a God who lives out side the laws of time, creating something with a process that takes a million years, is the same as creating it in an instant.

Because humans are confinded by the rules of time, you commit a fallacy of anthropomorphism if you project that human qualitity onto a God and force him to be concerned with time as well.

1 point

When was creationism proven incorrect? You need to define your definition of what qualifies something to be "proven incorrect". Regardless, your logic is flawed. Based on your logic, no scientific theories should be taught in school either.

1 point

Wow, a lot of fallacies here.

1. You are generalizing. Not everyone that goes to prison gets man raped. Hell, he might even be the one raping people in prison. But you're incorrect to think that going to jail guarantees a life of butt rapes.

2. Why are you assuming the murder was non white? lol raped by red necks and neo-Nazi's?

2 points

I think death penalties should be allowed for harsh offenses. But I think there should also be a minimum of 10 years that the person must serve before they are actually put to death.

This way they suffer, have time to reflect on what they did. But it also allows for appeals, or new evidence to pop up, that may clear them of a crime they didn't commit. (This may not happen all the time, it does happen quite a bit)

3 points

Gun control laws only control the guns in the hands of people who follow laws. People who follow laws, aren't causing problems with the guns they own. If you aren't regulating the guns in the hands of the people who are the problem, then you are not solving the problem you are trying to solve with guns, therefore, we should not implement more regulations.

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