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RSS Tibitty

Reward Points:8
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Guns do not shoot at their own will. It's like how knives are inanimate objects. They can help us accomplish chores, or they can also be used as a tool for killing. bleah.

1 point

Nonsense, there is no god. Well apparently the minimum length of an argument is 50 characters, therefore the existence of this random sentence.

1 point

That was due to Kuwait cornering Iraq by risking their economy. It's the same logic as when you corner a person, they have no other choice but to strike back.

1 point

Kuwait was to blame. They exceeded the quota set by OPEC and produced oil above the assigned limit. This caused the oil prices to fall from US$18 to US$7 per barrel.

As a result, Iraq lost US$1 billion. Since most of Iraq's economy is achieved from oil, how do you expect Iraq to simply watch as their economy fell into the abyss?

3 points

Public figures are famous due to their vocation, and not any other reason. Their job should not interfere with their personal lives, and vice versa. If every single thing that public figures do is exposed to the society, there will not be anything left of their personal lives.

Teachers are already creating separate Facebook accounts in order to differentiate their professional life from their personal life. It is no longer that simple for public figures. Therefore, they should be given their bit of personal space away from the media as they too, are humans, and they need their bit of privacy.

1 point

Like you said, the media has a huge influence on society. Thus, if a public figure were to do something indecent that is publicized by the media, is there not a chance of society following that public figures' footsteps in that indecent action?

Furthermore, certain public figures might have a huge group of innocent people related to them. If their indecent actions were publicized, it would cause tension in public relations and these people who are supposedly related to that public figure would be discriminated everywhere they go. For example, the Osama Bin Laden incident has caused distrust between the Americans and the Muslims in America.

3 points

Public figures, however, have a certain job to do. They are only famous due to their jobs. You stated that when our parents let us down, our reaction is much greater than it would be to a complete stranger? However, if your parents did something that let another person in which you are completely unrelated to down, one would not bother.

The same applies to public figures, take singers for example. A singer's job is basically to perform on stage for the entertainment of people. However, if the singer had sexual affairs, it would not affect the quality of their singing. Therefore, it would not matter and should not be publicized for them to be accountable for.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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