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Reward Points:13
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Shes not a young girl shes 25 years old.

"It's not okay to hit a girl, let alone a young girl, just because she's a bitch." I would agree with you there but she punched him first and spit on him while hes driving a bus. So what you saying self-defense is ok as long as your defending yourself against a man but not against a women? You know how sexist that sounds?

1 point

Well it actually solves a lot. You have to stand up to bully eventually, otherwise he/she just gets more abusive. She wont do that again that's for sure.

It is gender issue, because if a guy attacked a bus driver and got beat up, the title of the videos would be "idiot acts like a fool, attacks a bus driver and gets beat up", and nobody would stand up for the idiot, but because idiot is a women in this case somehow it is wrong.

1 point

Your clearly avoiding the issue. If she only verbally abused him i would agree with you but she punched him first and spit in his face. Are you saying that if somebody punches and spits at you you you don't have the right to fight back because the violence will escalate?

1 point

But it is a gender issues! She attacked him first. If it was a guy who attacked a bus driver and then got beat up there would be no discussion. He had plenty of self control, and she didn't. I cant really believe people are defending a women who attacked a bus driver while hes driving a bus, and saying its not a gender issues! Its ridicules.

1 point

Yes it is. Is it better for ordinary people. No it isn't.

1 point

What a ridicules idea. Yeah lets go back to middle ages when only lords could vote. Everybody pays some kind of tax. If you work government takes some of that. If you buy something in store government gets a slice of that also.

1 point

Police harass more then thy protect, and they are private army that server government officials and not the people. The biggest thiefs are always on top and the prime function of police is to protect them. Prime example Greece.

1 point

First off shes not a teen as some of you suggest. Second she attacked him first. His reaction was a little excessive, but that doesn't mean it was wrong. You can here in the background shes a girl, shes a girl. Women want equal rights and then act like oh, i didn't really mean it when it goes out of hand. Every guy knows if you try to punch another guy, you can expect a punch back. Women today know that most man would not dare to hit them(including me), and they abuse it a lot. And this nonsense "its never ok to hit a women" is complete bullshit. If she tried doing that to a MALE cop she would have here skull smashed and we wouldn't even have this discussion.

Winning Position: No, never.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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