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RSS Udam

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Nom's dick so smawl it can be used as a lockpick. Nom's dick so smawl a gnat could use it as dental floss. Nom's dick so smawl it is jealous of quantum strings. Nom's dick so smawl he could have intercourse with you between the finger nails. Nom's dick so smawl, that it's like really really small.

1 point

Udam take mammaf tusk to cave of hollow souls.

The dream juice make Udam head dizzy as Udam makes the mammaf markings.

Spirit mammaf tells Udam "Bronto not even pray to spirits before he hunts, he is loser"

Udam agrees.

1 point

eating a raw meat is natural tor all human. We all ate the raw meat in nature and cannibalism is normal because human organs have exactly the nutrient we need for our organs. IT'S common sense.

2 points

I said our morality evolved for us.

First of all morality didnt evolve, empathy evolved and morality is derived from it. Second there is no magic rule that says morality is meant for other humans, humans can have morals about anything because it's just a social construct.

You may have noticed no hyenas helping old ladies cross the street, but that doesn’t make them immoral. Nor is the cat immoral for playing with its food. Nor is our morality an appropriate judge of animal morality since human morality evolved for humans.

Animals do what is natural to them, humans do what they are conditioned to do. Human nature in reality is not much different than many other animals when left to it's own devices. But humans can be programmed into different moral systems because morality didn't evolve as a part of our biology but is a learned set of values.

2 points

Is fake meat, meat?


1 point

No, you need the fat to grow muscles and vegan diets don't having a fat./ They don't even get the omega 7.

1 point

Humans are carnovores and shuld eating the raw meet

down with the vegan agenda

1 point

I start to eat the raw meat and it cured my acne and my gut flora.

1 point

The NWO wants you weak and sick so you can't don't fight them. That's why they tell you to eat the many carbs on the food pyramid and don't many meat. But meat is what we are made of and humans never ate grains in nature, only the poor after agriculture was developed.

0 points

The univers is a simulated universe and the earth is flats. The creator was a something that you and I don't know, but I know that christianty not is true. What is true is that something create us to be apex predators and we humans are carnivores who are design to eat the raw meat.

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: yaw yaw
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: stupid shit head dick face
Tied Positions: herbivore vs. Human

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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