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Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Seeing that violent crime is escalating in leftist areas, and they are letting violent criminals loose, I'm pretty much obligated by common sense to purchase one. 2986651/

2 points

Project Veritas, huh? Aren't they ones who dressed up as a hooker and her john to catch somebody doing bad things?

That's your response? They disguised themselves to be able to record, so the recording never happened?

They ARE, aren't they?? So, no.. I don't believe 'em.

If you disguise yourself to get the recording, I don't believe a recording exists. That's your position?

You have no idea how utterly ridiculous your post is, do you?? Of course, you think the libs run a child sex trafficking ring out of a NY City pizza joint.. So, OF COURSE, you buy this shit.

Strawman and a red herring all in one. Another claim being true or false has nothing to do with a video where the dean of a school says they pass out dildos and butt plugs. Project Veritas had nothing to do with the case you've brought up either. So there are actually 3 logical fallacies you have used here in one retort, none of which respond to the actual topic or even attempt to refute it.

1 point

Project Vertias is far right

I love how exposing companies doing evil things and lying is far right. Apparently the truth is "far right". Why isn't the left exposing them? Oh that's right. The media doing no undercover work on these entities is probably why Project Veritas even exists at all.

1 point

We don't care about buildings. If the left wants to burn every building in DC to the ground, they should do it. They say they want a revolution. Well, DC is right there. Burn it down. What are you guys waiting for? Was it not a real revolution? Was it just a play revolution? A real revolution would turn DC into rubble. Otherwise it's not actually a revolution, now is it?

1 point

We don't care about the 1/6 committee. As we did with leftists destroying leftist cities, we watch in amusement while you pretend you're hurting us, all to pretend that destroying your own crap is a revolution. You won't, but let's pretend you nail Trump and throw him in jail. So what? Next Republican up. We can beat the modern left running a cactus at this point. The cactus will probably pardon Trump.

2 points

Let's have everyone examine Excon's toddler logic

He's the type that sees Dr Fauci and Democrats not wearing masks around others, then condemns you for not wearing a mask, and then has nothing bad to say about Democrat, maskless parties and Dr Fauci maskless at a Washington baseball game where he thought he wouldn't be on camera. This same Excon can see video of his beloved media admitting that they lie while not knowing they're on tape, continuing to watch them, and then in a feeble attempt to respond, will say he can't debate a video despite doing it earlier because if he doesn't, he won't have anyone to argue with on this dying site. He's either a raging hypocrite or a nuclear level moron.

1 point

Probably better stay busy looking for a job at 40 years old, huh buddy? Would you like my spare change? Want the scraps from my toilet?

1 point

An unemployed, jobless 40 year old living with his parents, playing video games all day. Wow. That's impressive mate.

1 point

You'd have to appear male for kids to confuse you as a daddy.

1 point

You are a dick muncher dude. Get that little child's cock out of your mouth.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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