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RSS Vansh2001

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1 point

Being deeply indulged in the advancing technology , I stumbled upon this question and first of all I really want to appreciate the great mind of the person in whose mind these 3 words sprang upon!

Software acting as a government is an idea no one ever dreamed of in the 20th century but as the technology advanced words like programs , softwares , robots , internet , etc became as common as words like Hitler, Peepers or Righto were in those old days of our youth. But nobody on Earth could ever have guess that one day minute silicon chips could run a nation on their own !

With the recent discoveries our proud scientists like Alan Turing made, I strongly believe that one day the corrupted dirty politicians of ours could solely be replaced with a trusty source like Computers.

Now that if you ask " Why Computers ?" I might like to make this a point that neither can computers ever be corrupted & nor they would like to live in a royal palace, consume food or water & can never die. Data also revealed that around 141 Million people died due to human political interference in the past half century.

Moreover , computers with artificial intelligence or A.I. can be clearly allowed to make trivial decisions while their human counterparts can reside over the important issues. The computers work efficiently and are a reliable option for the people of a country.

In times of a crisis the most important thing is to stay calm and think logic which is not possible for a human but a child's play for a network of a thousand supercomputers.

Though some might challenge that a computer can be hacked , I feel a need to assure them that we humans have developed some great security systems (like the one of N.S.A. Database) which even the greatest of the great hackers can't penetrate through.

Many would also challenge that a computer needs to be flexible, I would rather say that flexibility can come with a better programmed computer which can be aware of the experiences of different people in the society.

Even though I know it will be a difficult job, I think it is the future for an ideal nation and an ideal planet. I know it wont be anything in the near future but i am sure that one day it will happen.

Supporting Evidence: Data For Death Toll (
1 point

Yes, because it will help the government control overpopulation officially and will give the power to it to imprison people who have more than 1 child.

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