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RSS Acardenas613

Reward Points:14
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I believe you are right that you were raised right with your parents and that has placed a huge influence on your personality. However, your sense of morality has been able to prevent such environmental factors from influencing your personality such as explicit music and movies along with bad influences from peers. Your ability to prevent influence of environmental factors, which are much more than parental factors, expresses your integrity.

I agree that kids start off developing their personalities from their parents, but what happens for the rest of their lives? They won't be so dependent on their parents and develop a sense of self where they may want to experience new things and possibly alter personality through the environment

Also in terms of change in personality, I feel that significant experiences in one's life portrays many changes. For example, trauma of past events may have a critical effect on one's personality. One can observe that over time and based on the extent of the trauma such as a car accident or the death of a family member could in facts change the way one views life and ultimately alter personality.

I feel that over a long period of time, your environment eventually creates your personality. I think over time that all your experiences, the people you meet, the movies you watch, the music you listen to, and all other parts of the environment ultimately creates your personality. Also, people have a tendency to change in ways such as ones personality and I believe your environment has a significant impact on changes in one's life.

You say that interest groups promote the democratic process by influencing elections, but really how many people do you think are involved in interest groups?The only interest groups that have an impact in elections are the ones with a lot of money. I can't just join and interest group and say that I have a major role on who has a chance on becoming president. If it were a contribution to democracy, I would know that every interest group has equal chance to advocate for a politician.

You're right in describing what an interest group is, but you say that interest groups allow majorities to voice their opinions. Well interest groups cannot be a majority because of how specific they are with in the goals and interests. You can't say that a majority of people are in favor of an interest groups that advocates adopting German work ethics within our labor system when there are so many more that advocate American, Chinese, Japanese, and other work ethics.

Interest Groups are simply detrimental to our political system and society. From previous history, interest groups and organizations such as the railroad, standard oil, steel, etc. have tend to cause more harm than good during the early 1900s. These groups could rely on clients within congress who depend on these monopolies to vote in favor of these companies. Today, less monopolies exist, but the concept remains the same. Politicians rely so much on endorsements for the next election that they allow these groups to determine the political decisions that they were voted into office to perform.

I have to disagree with your interpretation of sympathy. I do agree that the monster deserves the most sympathy, but Victor in the end of the story begins to experience all of those pains that the monster struggled with: "...I had always experienced relief from mental torment in bodily exercise. But the overflowing misery I now felt, and the excess of agitation that I endured, rendered me incapable of any exertion" (23.146). Victor thus feels alone, tormented by the series of events that have taken place. One by one "The death of William, the execution of Justine, the murder of Clerval, and lastly of my wife" (28.146), Victor becomes closer and closer in relation to the monster where all Victor has parallel to the monster is knowledge. I do sympathize with the monster and his struggle for acceptance. However, Victor's possessions are taken from his at a rapid pace where change in the lives of luxury and happiness to despair and death may in fact have a greater effect on the doctor than the monster.

Though Doctor Frankenstein is at fault for the chaos that occurs in the story, I sympathize in him for his ambition and understanding of the consequences of his decisions later on in the book. Victor Frankenstein went to college at the University of Ingolstadt to study natural philosophy where wanted to achieve more than any other man has ever achieved: "..., and soon my mind was filled with one thought one conception, on purpose. So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein, -- more, far more, will I achieve" (5.28). I sympathize with Victor's ambition and desire to make a name for his soul through discovery and advancement in scientific discovery. Though he crossed the line in creating a monster, his ambition is one that cannot entirely be regarded as a malicious act of chaos. After Dr. Frankenstein engages the monster, who desires a female companion, Victor destroys the female out of fear and understanding that his ambition may harm the continuity of the human race. Though Victor understands, I sympathize with his endurance of the consequences of his action. When he "saw the lifeless form of Henry Clerval stretched before [him]. [He] gasped for break; and, throwing [himself] on the body" (21.128) and "heard a shrill and dreadful scream...from the room into which Elizabeth had retired" (23.144), he had lost his entire family and was no alone just as the monster was. Though Frankenstein is indirectly responsible for the death of his friends, I feel sympathy for his decision to sacrifice everything he had to prevent the monster from establishing his kind upon the human race. Victor did go beyond the laws of nature to create the monster that in all killed his brother, dearest friend and wife out of spite and rage. However, Victor Frankenstein faced his consequences, endured pain and grief similar to that of the monsters despairing isolation.

I made this claim before in Lydia's argument about how the nature of the monster's and human's grief are different with how they portray despair and self-pity, but you point out a great point that could support and even extend that claim. the monster claims that "despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge" (16.97). Before despair takes place for the monster, he feels rage and revenge which most humans don't take place until after self-pity and despair. Humans need time to reflect about what had happened before they are able to form the ideas of revenge. The monster immediately falls into anger which portrays a great disdain for the human race, but later falls into despair unlike human nature.

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