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Reward Points:10
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Even if we come to know all our genetic code and choose to eliminate any types you don't wish to see and prevent people breeding where you don't wish to allow it, you can only do this as long as you have the means available. That won't be for very long and in that time all you are doing is having the same effect that evolution can have where a population needs a very specific form to survive.

Even if you could enforce such things, and I cnotend if could not happen, it is likely such oppression would result in a revoltr a species as adaptive and aggressive as ours.

The world is in constant change. Human civilizations fail and fall. In time people will be once again required to adapt to climatic and enviromental changes, such as occur in an ice age.

1 point

Evolution cannot end while there is life still based on a genetic code. We may think that a few buildings, medicines and machines conquer our natures but we are still very much subject to our biology.

Even for humansm evolution is doing fine. In the last 200,000 that we have existed wwe have developed a series of sub groups round the world. Our evolution is heabily driven by ice ages and we are due an ice age soon. This has been deferred about1500 years by our CO2 emissions but its coming.

Our cultures do not last more than few hundred years and this culture will dcline and changte and the need to survive against nature will become more apparent at least in many parts of the world.

For the rest of life, evolution is churning away.

All creatures that breed are passing on attirbutes to the nect generation, Those best able to survive ar emore likely to pass theirs on again and so populations and utimatey species change.

1 point

Make no mistake, I despise some of the actions and corruption in modern media, but it has exposed corruption and war crimes and oppression and it is a force for greater awareness of the world.

overall its a good thing. it just needs some work to keep it in line.

1 point

This isnt a debate topic, its just a random phrase. I will thnk of rewriting it into a useful topic

2 points

First i'd marvel at their parking. Then I'd take photos hoping because they woudl rasie good money.

I might apprach the ship and try to enter. maybe i could fly it???

if anyone was alive I'd video and intervoiew and offer to be their agent for sales of technology and for media rights.

if no one lived then i 'd get photos of me all over the ship and upload them, and get pics of all their equiptment.

if they were angry invders, I'd happily tell them where to disable earths defences - Iran, China, Russia, Afghanistan,Somalia, North Korea, its a long list!

if they were wise and peacefull i would advise them to leave this cursed planet in case they get corrupted, but ask them to do a fly past over the vatican and mecca.

1 point

it is possible that with politics in the US being increasingly up for sale to high bidding supporters, and with right wing religious groups being a powerful lobby, the political system could slide into control of either of those groups.

Of the two it is more likely that vested interests will come to control all presidential and senatorial nominations and effectively establish control of the democratic process.

Once that happened the American voters would be presented with sham elections and policy would be corporately directed.

Will it happen? Certainly vested interests have too much influence already.

3 points

This was the only sane and wise outcome. Obama is an experienced and safe leader who know how to interact at home and globally. Romney was a political crisis waiting to happen.

Tied Positions: its a bad thing vs. Its a good thing

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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