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RSS Amandagraham

Reward Points:3
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

It's not a bad name. It's just we don't want to change it. I don't think it's such a bad name; I just don't want to change the name. It shows how professional we students (as the body of the school) are.

1 point

EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!! THANK YOU JORDAN! It's our school. We make it how we want it to be. We rule it. SO BE IT!

1 point

You've got a point.

(Plus, you sound like you're talking to a Greek God or something.)

1 point

Yeah, I see what you're saying, but we the students made the school how it is. We the students rule the school. We the students are the body of the school.

2 points

No! I don't think we should change the name of The Academy because The Academy is different than the other high schools in Irving I.S.D. If we do change the name, then it'll seem like one of the other high schools, and it won't be unique like we've (as the students) have tried to do. I feel that all the effort we (as the students, teachers, administrators, Vice Principals, etc) put into making the Academy unique and different will be wasted. We put so, so, so, SO much effort to keep the school from being like the others that (I feel) the majority of the students on all floors do NOT want to change the name. Another reason why I feel we should not change the name of the school is because it will sound like a middle school or elementary school. For example, Lorenzo de Zavala Middle School or Otis Brown Elementary both have the founder or a hero's name in the school's name. We don't want that. We want it to be original, simple, and to the point: The Academy of Irving I.S.D. We don't want it to sound like somebody found our school and just was all, "Oh. I know what I want to call this school. It'll be after my name, and yadda, yadda, yadda." We want it to sound like a high technoligical school. We want it to sound like a career practice school. We want it to sound plain and simple: THE ACADEMY OF IRVING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Just like that. NO CHANGE! WE WANT IT PLAIN AND SIMPLE! NO CHANGE!!!

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Amanda Graham
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 75061
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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