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1 point

i think just fishing is good but whaling and catching sharks for shark fin soup are bad.

1 point

all i know is that the jets don't deserve to be in because of their super-easy schedule

1 point

the giants have a better QB and have won a super bowl their one problem is Manning's receivers are injured. the jets are overconfident however that happens to anyone who has an easy schedule and the pats proved that first hard team that they play in a while and they get their ass's kicked

1 point

cx the contention is ludicris they have dropped the case of how my argument is so much better than your face and that is why judge you should vote aff

1 point

yes the argument is so much better than your face. and your moms face and Jorge's Face

1 point

your argument is is invalid because you are a son of a bitch

1 point

here is my evedence on the subject


PLAN: The USFG should withdraw forces dedicated to COIN operations in Afghan.

ADVANTAGE 1: U.S Global Leadership (heg.)

Extend Kretkowski ’10

U.S heg is on the brink of overstretch – COIN doctrine in Afghan risks collapse of U.S global leadership.

Winning in Afghan would take another decade or so but the longer we stay the more we risk long-term political and economic fatigue. If so, the U.S will abandon foreign policy leadership which would be more threatening than the Taliban gaining power or Al’ Qaeda planning more attacks. The U.S is becoming more dependent on other nations for services it no longer can offer. U.S needs to rebuild its reserves of capitol, credit, military force and political good will.

Extend Innocent and Carpenter ‘09

COIN collapses public support for U.S leadership

The idea of preserving prestige maybe the reason to stay in Afghan but what we have invested in Afghan could fall apart now or 20 years later, therefore leaving now may depict America as “weak” but staying and accomplishing nothing would be worse. The American public has been sold bad foreign policy due to the fear of losing the world respect but the public refuses to interfere when stakes are not related to vital national interest. The most significant argument against “withdrawal is weak” is that U.S controls the land, water and air and it projects power everywhere. Therefore “withdrawal is weak” is foolish.

Extend Layne ‘09

Overstretch destroys heg

The U.S could see its heg being overthrown by the lack of resources needed to handle challenges and conflicts mounted by regional powers.

Extend Kagan ‘7

Heg prevents all nuc war scenarios.

Without U.S influence, nations would settle conflicts through nukes. U.S guards waterways and checks any dangerous developments. Without this presence, nations would compete for dominance which would disrupt trade. Checks on nations are essential – in a multipolar, this would not be possible without countries like China and Taiwan, India and Pakistan and the M.E going to war. If the U.S weakens and leaves, offshore balancing could increase conflicts with Russia. Russia, China and Iran would be greatly tempted to expand and fill the vacuum.

Advantage 2 – Afghanistan

Extend Preble ‘10

COIN props up unpopular and ineffective central government – nation-building fails.

COIN is too broad and is flawed. COIN amounts to large-scale social engineering. However, the benefits are outweighed by the costs. It is unnecessary to have troops building, roads, codes and intel to disrupt Al’ Qaeda, Also, nation building needs a reliable partner and Karzai is not. We need an alt. to turn a tribal based society into a democracy.

Extend Friedman ‘9

COIN is hostile to warlords – they underpin local security

In Afghan, warlords are the local government but COIN is hostile to local authority structures. Few warlords agree on the idea of a “western government” so it would be best to leave them alone which would pacify many regions.

Extend Fisher ‘9

Enabling warlords to provide local security is key to Afghan stability – centralization causes backlash

Afghan is unstable and hopelessly disorganized so a Krazai led army would cause backlash. Since local rule has become the culture, the U.S could work with locaks, find stability and exit. Warlords can be allies due to their anti-Taliban belief.

Extend Morgan ‘7

Instability leads to nuclear Al’ Qaeda and region wide war.

The Taliban advances with support from the population. Should the Taliban capture the country, a Taliban Pashtun caliphate would grow causing the breakup of Pakistan. Border clashes, terrorist attacks, pogroms and insurgency would break out. Nuke war would become a real possibility consequently causing a shift in the tectonic plates of global relations.

Extend Steinbach ‘2

ME war causes extinction

War in the ME would cause a world conflagration and nuke escalation.

Extend Morgan ‘9

Nuke armed Al Qaeda cause extinction

Any terrorist attack would be blamed on the U.S. Retaliation would follow by Israel, U.S, and Russia. Nukes would fall upon us bringing death and dangers of disease to the future generations. One weapon equals escalation and global destruction.


Extend Friedman ‘10

Plan builds self-sustaining Afghan stability using local solutions

Our goal is to build good governance on the back of the Kabul Mafia. Ownership is everything to the Afghans. So it be. Our strat. is to use forces to clear the Taliban and construct a better government.

Cortright ‘9

CT checks creation of safe havens.

By demilitarizing, the U.S could achieve its goal more efficiently and that would be enough to assure that the Taliban does not return to power.

Extend Long ‘09

CT missions ensure Afghan stability while destroying Al-Qaida.

The CT mission will consist of 13,000 military personnel. Along with reassuring the Afghanis that WE ARE NOT ABANDONING them, we will work together to prevent the Al’ Qaeda and the Taliban from gaining power and expanding. In the CT we are reducing more than 85% of all troops proving that not only is our plan topical, but we will also be able to assure stability and security while producing a strong democracy in Afghan.

Extend Arkedis ‘10

Afghan is the ONLY staging point for Al’ Qaeda to launch a large-scale attack.

To attack the U.S, al qaeda needs a safe haven under the Taliban umbrella. To attack on the other side of the world, trust, confidence, and training together is essential. Madrid and London bombings were akin to a high school project in contrast to 9/11 which was like a nuke war head. Even though, Al Qaeda is mobile, international intel would thwart their attempts to travel. The best bet is to deny them the only physical space they have access to.

Cooper and Landler ‘10

No case turns – CT mission in place now

COIN shows little success – it lagged, on the contrary, CT missions work well and were successful. Seriously – COIN is designed for the citizens and their well-being. However, as General Mattis, states, our job in Afghan is to get rid of Al’ Qaeda and the Taliban rebels. Due to the lethal operations of CT troops, the Taliban are fearful of moving into higher-level command positions.

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