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RSS Angelwings

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I am against it yet sort of for it too. But more against. I'm in Bermuda, 18, have my own transportation and everything, an adult here. I think that the main issues are trying to get parents to realise when their children are no longer children and letting children know that they are still children. Yes parents are entitled to their own opinions but to a certain date.

All children have a time in their lives when they are developing a sense of themselves (learning who they are and what they want) without their parents. Parents have to learn when to let their child learn from their mistakes by themselves. Drugs, violence, things of that nature, yes, parents should have a word in since things get dangerous, intervention may be needed. But relationships, money management, and other organizational skills that is gained with experience, the child(young adult) should learn this for themselves. To have a parent lecture their teen/young adult about these things is like having a teacher give you the answers on tests, they learn nothing other than their parent is going to be there to help them out and may lecture them a bit. In all honesty, it's not that bad of a consequence.

I realize that it is difficult for some parents to see their child growing up and see how their child no longer needs their advice unless they ask for it. However, when a child is still young, of course they should listen, because they are still kids. Before they enter, at least, their second year of high school, parents should have lightened up on the advice yet still in the background giving their teen a nudge into the right direction. High School is the point where they start to seriously think for themselves and grow up. This is the point where parents sit back and watch their child learn from their mistakes and what it is like to think for themselves. But before high school, yeah, they should.

Children are sort of like houses, the parents provide the base and structure. But once the structure is stable, it's up to the child to build it's up. (hope this makes sense)

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"*beep* This is shan. I'm not in at the moment leave a message. i'll give an answer. *beep*"

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Name: Shan 
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Education: High School

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