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RSS ArmandoG

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I agree with your statement Sayun, I believe you have a good point. A person's actions cannot be completely blamed on the tool used to carry them out. I also agree that the Second Amendment blatantly gives the people to the right to keep and bear arms when it states "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

1 point

In the constitution, the 2nd amendment clearly states "being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people, to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". The amendment clearly states that the people's right to keep and bear arms cannot be breached. The right for an individual to privately own a gun is a freedom commensurate with the freedoms of speech and religion. If the government were able to restrict those freedoms based on the idea that it is outdated, it could establish a precedent to remove other rights. While others may argue that gun ownership being a right for everyone could lead to danger. there will always be a risk of harm when liberties and rights are stripped away from the people. People must be able to recognize the dangers that arise from liberty and prepared to deal with the consequences that arise. The Second Amendment does not protect people from consequences that could come from the misuse of firearms, but rather gives everyone the liberty to have guns for security, self-protection, or even recreational purposes. This right has already been acknowledged by the SCOTUS in which they held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

1 point

Gay marriage should be and is a federal power. There is no reason for discrimination towards a person(s) based on their sexual orientation. The Declaration of Independence states that each man has the right to the pursuit of happiness, which would include the right to marry whoever they choose. Bans on state marriages which would occur if gay marriage were a state power go against the Equal Protection or Due Process clause in the 14th amendment. The Equal Protection clause protects individuals from being discriminated against for absurd reasons. The 14th amendment allows for gay marriage so therefore gay marriage should be/is legal on a federal level.

1 point

Although swimming in a Taco Bell dumpster would be interesting, the better choice for a midnight swim would be the McDonald's dumpster because of the food served in each restaurant. This is due to the food served at Taco Bell vs the food served in McDonald's. McDonald's tends to have more solid items such as the variety of meat patties, chicken nuggets, and fries. Though one would be in close contact with everything in their dumpster, it wouldn't be as messy due to the solidity of their foods. In contrast, Taco Bell's items are chunkier and less solid. The ground meat, beans, sour cream, nacho cheese and other runny condiments and food would result in a mess that would consume and spread all over a person if they were to dive in their dumpster. Although Taco Bell's dumpster is sure to be an intriguing swim, swimming in a McDonald's dumpster would more than likely be the better option.

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