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RSS Astro1993

Reward Points:3
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with you. The government has little chance of denying Americans a right that was given to us in the Bill of Rights. But if by some miracle it does happen, you better believe that will violently fight for my 122 year old right. The government is on very, thin ice right now.

0 points

The right to bear arms is the second amendment to the United States Constitution. When it was written by the Constitutional Convention in 1887, our founding fathers were in full agreeance when they made the right to bear arms a major component in the Bill of Rights. They obviously felt a strong need to give this right to the people. Owning a weapon is what the United States was founded upon. Besides, if owning a weapon was made against the law, who would own and use weapons. It would be the terrorists, murderers, and criminals who break the law, leaving the innocent defenseless.

2 points

President Bush was only in office for 1 year when the US underwent a series of deadly terrorist attacks. He helped the United States come together and protected us with his decisions. Obama is going to regret pulling troops out of the Middle East. The terrorist forces can and will advance into the US if Obama pulls troops out. Obama is not a bad president. It is too early to decide. He simply just hasn't done anything. President Bush has pulled this nation together in a time of crisis and he deserves repect for that.

1 point

I am a minor and that is the most absurd arguement I have ever heard. As a child I can't even be left at home or leave my home for long periods of time without being in trouble with the law. I have to do chores, do homework, and go to school. It's illegal to not attend school. Children and adolecenses are in line to be the next adults. Adults can do what they want when they want. Adult life is simply more fun.

3 points

A child is a mere seedling in the world while An adult is a mighty tree, rising up and soaking up the sunlight. The adult shields the child and protects it. An adult can stand up for themselves. An adult is listened to. An adult can stand up for themseves. While a child mingles with other youth in their schools an adult is free to do what they dream. A child may not leave an adult without strong consent and strict regulations. All that stops an adult is the money to pay for it.

An adult life is a better life.

1 point

There are hundreds of American men and women who have died protecting the United States from the evergrowing threat of Terrorism. The United States may not be at war with another nation, but we are at war with evil.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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