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RSS Bburton

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Though they did not have the technology of the internet, they did have the technology of writing, and Paul still found this lacking. Still, even if the internet affords us more than writing, the purpose of dating websites is to lead people to meet in person. And, as we saw in the documentary in class, there was a couple that met in the game but then got married in real life. I think that instead of allowing us to feel the same emotions we experience face-to-face, internet communication actually creates longing for real face-to-face communication.

1 point

While one may be able to worship, pray, learn, and fellowship over a screen, I think only to an extent. There are some things, like fellowship, that just aren't the same over a screen. While their experience of church may be somewhat valid, I don't believe they are as good or as effectively practiced virtually. If someone is bed-ridden, members of the church may still visit, worship, teach, pray, and fellowship with them.

1 point

There are some huge differences between face-to-face communication and virtual communication, and I think a screen hugely interferes with the ability to communicate accurately from one person to another. If a fundamental function of the church is fellowship, and fellowship includes communication, then this is a problem of the virtual church.

Text communication is devoid of emotion, inflection, body language, and engages only one small aspect of communication and can be very confusing and misleading. Text communication is very easily misunderstood.

Although we may also communicate over technology using audio or visual capabilities, expressing our true emotions or feelings is much harder when you do not have to be physically present with another person. It is also much easier to disguise your emotions and feelings when you can shut off communication instantly and disconnect from "company" in a moment.

The virtual church keeps us from being completely open emotionally with one another and fellowshipping can become shallow and fake.

1 point

The church was never separate in the Bible, and we don't see people meeting by extension. In his letter to the Romans, Paul repeatedly expressed a desire to meet with the churches he wrote to in person. He wanted to be refreshed in their company, by visiting them, not by letters (Rom. 15:32).

You can't experience the same joy and comfort through a screen that you experience face to face, which makes the virtual church a poor alternative to the physical, local church.

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