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RSS Bella19

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree the USA has more of a chance to be the next superpower. the USA has more advantages weapons and anything to help.

1 point

the USA will be the 21st century superpower. the USA has a better environment than china.the USA has the second largest GDP that looks to be around 19.3 trillion. the USA also has one of the best armed forces. even though china might have more people the USA has helicopters and other special fighting tools.

1 point

i agree the us did not give japan enough time to prepare or create something to fight back.Japan did not really know if the us would or would not take the time to drop a bomb.

2 points

i agree the us was not right because it was not right to drop a bomb on japan when they had no allies.

1 point

the USA might think that dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but others think differently. Even though the USA did claim dominance over the 2ND war they still dropped bombs. president harry truman knew that causing trouble with them invade japan.

1 point

I agree the united states should not be scared of threats from north korea.Even though north korea wants to have power and prove there points, the us still has more power over north korea and kim jong-un. we do have a smaller military but we have many bombs and weapons to use against north korea.

2 points

i agree the usa should be worried about north korea.the united states is more powerful and we do not have to worry because even if korea trys to start a war they will not have enough power to fight back.

1 point

the usa should not be concerned about north korea using nuclear weapons because if they bomb the us the us would fight back. even though the us might want to start a war korea knows that they will not have enough power to fight back.the usa should not be concerned about if north korea is trying to fight back or they will back off later.

1 point

the veto power has enabled powerful countries to overthrow democratically governments. the reason this was created was to create peace and for the votes to not have problems.there have been many accidents that happened while the 5 members have been at the top. having these 5 members power others has not been good.

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