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RSS Bobapes

Reward Points:3
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

50 points if you slaughter bambi!! now you think differently about it right?

5 points

ok, so first of all, we have no reason to believe we ar superior, the reason we think we are is due to instincts, part of human nature is wanting to be the best, their is nothing to prove we are in anyway worth more, that is because we have screwed up the only argument that would work, we say that all humans are equal no matter how intelligent, but then we tryed to say that we are better than animals because of our high intelligence. and then theres always the bible people try to use to justify the slaughter of animals which is ridiculous, but im not going to criticise the bible. now i realize that in the wild animals kill eachother, but we kill the animals too, and thats another thing we couldve used to put ourselves above animals, but weve been slaughtering animals since we came into existence, and at least animals dont kill eachother and call it a SPORT! that just makes me sick. and its actually pretty unfair to call animals dumb when we still dont understand everything about their brains,

not long ago we thought that a black person was property, soon animals will be treated as people too, look up koko the gorilla, theres other apes like her but idk their names. im a christian by the way, so take that!

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