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RSS Cblossom

Reward Points:1
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1 point

School uniforms, I believe should be strictly enforced in all schools. These are problems that tend to occur if children do not wear school uniforms.

Firstly, have you ever heard your child whining for clothes that are viewed 'trendy' or 'in style' at school? Many children, regardless of age tend to see clothes as fashionable just because the majority are wearing it. When your child asks for clothes that are deemed 'in', and you don't buy it, that can create a feeling of being left out at school or being called unpopular just because of a tshirt. Well, you can't always buy clothes that your child will wear for a short while, maybe a few days, until it goes 'out of style'.

Also, school uniforms can provide parents easier mornings. School uniforms can save an hour of a parent and a child debating over what to wear to school. Everyone knows what they are going to wear. It will be far less time consuming than spending time over the topic what to wear to school.

Third, schools that do not require students to wear school uniforms still have rules on what is appropriate to wear to school. Teachers and staff have to monitor the students attire. This can be avoided if children are wearing clothes that are viewed as appropriate and smart looking.

Lastly, with all the money a parent saves from not having to buy day to day clothes, parents can (if they want) spend more money on more fashionable.clothes for the weekends. Wearing a uniform five days a week may help children view those clothes special maybe enough to make them take care of those clothes!

I think that children should wear school uniforms. It is helpful for the students, the parents, and the people who see them in uniform. It make the students look smart and respectable. Students can focus more on learning inside the classroom and they can use their originality and creativity on the weekends. Thank you.

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