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RSS Curtisevans

Reward Points:24
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4 most recent arguments.
5 points

Yes that statistic may be true but they forgot to mention, the statistic that shows how many people in the United States that are affected every year by diseases like salmonella which adds up to 30,000 cases every year

5 points

I agree a more humane manner of farming would produce more agricultural jobs. People would also feel better about the work they are doing. And certainly if we used the same farming techniques we did in the past we would be able to survive, but yet newer technology will be beneficial to the individual farmer.

7 points

Factory Farming is a dangerous industry that has been in place since the 1920's. And has become a prominent American Industry. But must be stopped. Most animals at factory farms never see the light of day in dark overcrowded facilities. And are often injected with hormones that make them grow faster. Such overcrowded facilities are perfect settings for disease and bacteria such as salmonella to grow which is then consumed by the public. Sadly each year we see more and more cases of salmonella poisonings, this factory farming industry must come to an end now.

6 points

Bottled Water many people think that it is the way to go. But really in all actuality it is negative to our world. Many people think that bottled water is safer to drink than tap water from your faucet from home, but it isn’t. Because seventy percent of all bottled water does not cross state lines, thus is exempt from FDA oversight. But without the FDA not regulating the water bottle industry who knows minerals are in the water or chemicals are in the plastic, things that could harm the world’s population. Secondly, Bottled water contributes up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year, waste that is not biodegradable, waste that sits in landfills for years and years that do not go anywhere. Plus it requires up to 47 million gallons of oil per year to create all these water bottles, which is very harmful to human consumption. Current bound plastic trash spins endlessly in the world’s oceans and proposes a threat to marine and bird wildlife, and human life. We need to take action if we want to overcome the water bottling industry.

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