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RSS Dh123lh1

Reward Points:1
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2 points

This isn't an addition to any argument it is just the truth the whole truth so help me god

Sure if your only plan in doing so is to create more decent within the population of Christianity, denominationalized religion is just a perversion of what Religious Faith is Truly about, but all denominationalized religions were began to control the masses at a time when the world was pretty much well divided into many many separate Regions / Nations, and each denomination was tailored to the specific needs of that Region of the planet, and the goals for the future of those who were the Religious leaders at the time and their Rulers of those specific regions and they used each Regional Faith and the False Belief that all other Faiths were just evil and doing nothing but the works of the Satan to help to Stabilize those Regions and by giving everyone in that Region a Common enemy then the people living there would have had no need or desire to Fight and Argue with their Neighbors Each Region was brought together against a common enemy to try and put an end to the regions Individual problems with their Neighboring cities and states and giving them all a common foe That Foe Being EVIL, but in this day and age the world is all connected and we must grow up as a Race and accept we are just 1 people Period and accept the only Evil on the planet is in the individual actions of individuals wanting and lusting to destroy the Infidels of the World is an idea that should have ended with the 1800's or 900's at the latest, and seeing the world acting like it does our governments globally are doing all they can do to try and keep the peace, which sadly they all have began trying to get us all to believe we have an invasion beginning from outside our planet and they are being as tricky about it as the 1st Catholics and 1st Islamic's were by denying knowledge of the Alien threat they are trying to get us all to stand as one people against, I know if today was the day Muhammad, Christ, Buddha or any Profit from the past who after their death we the human race Deified was to return they would be brought to tears knowing all the Lives we Human Race have Destroyed always Claiming we were doing it in their names, it is beyond saddening to see after as many Eons as humanity has existed on Mother Earth we have only Matured to be equivalent to the Spiritual Maturity of Chimpanzees, who war and battle with all the other Troops of Chimps who just happen to cross an imaginary line in the minds of the Alpha of the Group, so we are no more mature spiritually and emotionally than our way way less evolved cousins, I can say and try to feel in my soul that I forgive us all for acting like petulant children but I don't know if I am just Lying to you and myself, I can hope I'm not, but I can't be any more sure of that than you can be sure that you would be able to accept that the world trade center disaster was just the act of a few insane individuals and not an action taken by all of the Islamic Faith, grow up people almost all religions are Abrahamic religions, and the ones that aren't are based on the same guiding principles for all of Humanity to treat all other Humans with respect and dignity, any Bullshit that Considers a Faith from the Region or Nation 100 or 1000 miles away as Evil was for an Era when Leaders needed any way they could find to bring their people together back then the common enemy method was expedient and worked but Humans as a Race of Sentient Beings should have long ago Grown Beyond these petty reasons to treat our Neighbors with Compassion and Respect.

This isn't an addition to any argument it is just the truth the whole truth so help me god

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