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RSS Doubler0007

Reward Points:6
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1 point


1 point


As we have written before, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in August that said the stimulus bill has "[l]owered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points" and "[i]ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million."

Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.

1 point

wrong the rich are the ones stealing, they would rather pay millions to lobbyist to protect their wealth and interest than thousands to rebuild america.

1 point

the bubble just exasperated the problem we were losing jobs at a record pace to overseas factories before the bubble and then resumed to lose jobs after the bubble burst . lobbyist for big business did not want a balanced trade agreement with China because they knew they could make billions exploiting overseas labor and they did.

1 point

If government can't create jobs why is the government the largest employer in the U.S. look it up.FDR gave out government jobs so that money could start to circulate during the depression at a healthy rate, thats what makes an economy money changing hands at a healthy rate within the country among the middle class. the rich cannot spend money fast enough to circulate and move the economy. Its a fact, money must circulate within the country it originates in to move the economy not be stockpiled or sent overseas to return as a loan. Thats why the government has expanded because for the last 30 years jobs have been contracting and the government to counteract it instead of passing a balanced trade bill began creating new offices filled with American citizen this allowed some cover from us having 15 and 20% unemployment for the last 10 years. THE REASON WE CAN'T AFFORD TO DO This any longer IS THE 30 BILLION DOLLAR a month TRADE DEFICIT AND SENIOR baby boomers WHO LOST THEIR 401K'S STILL IN THE JOB FORCE AND THE COST OF 2 WARS.Think about the reality of where we are not the rhetoric with no factual support. You really think the american auto industry should not have been saved. you don't see the 100's of thousands of workers in both the plants and service centers and part manufacturers that would be out of work or do you ever think of the thousands of retirees that depend on checks from the motor industry. those numbers alone would have increased unemployment by 2 points. every tax dollar that goes to Washington and is sent back to the middle or lower class through assistance, loans or job salaries maintains or creates deamnd , demand increases or maintains production, production maintains or creates jobs. not wealth not tax breaks....., why would I as a business owner hire more employees if there is no production need to do so. Why would I waste the extra money in my pocket from the tax cut I argued to get , if it does not return me a profit That would be bad business. demand is what spurs hiring not extra cash in the owners pocket (in fact I'd be more inclined to buy machinery that increases efficiency and reduces my workforce) no business works on that model of increasing workforce with no need for increased production because of no increase in demand.... increased demand creates jobs not tax breaks

1 point

No, . The president had 3 problems he tried to address , and he has done nearly all he could without increasing the deficit even more . 1. stop the reduction of demand which was decreasing each month which costs jobs.He passed the stimulus and continued unemployment benefits, that helped demand from getting worse and costing more jobs.The problem it took some time to happen, did everyone really expect it to happen overnight, really, thats crazy.2. he had to put things in place to keep the same crazy things that hurt the economy long before he got into office from repeating as soon as things get right. Obviously some of these things are not popular to big business but the laws are to protect us the consumers and our interests not big business. 3. Invest in the country to spur some growth in the meantime until demand increases in the private sector, to cover us until the companies still around have balanced their balance sheets and can resume hiring. That he had to do through borrowing since no one supported tax increases. History shows this was what needed to be done. LOOK UP FDR AND WHAT WAS .DONE TO GET US OUT OF THE DEPRESSION. think where we would be without unemployemnt benefits and social security which did not exist during the depression AND ARE KEEPING DEMAND FROM GETTING WORSE. without them we would be in a depression.

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