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RSS Evann

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

ALL DRUGS should be controlled and legalized. From Cocaine to Marijuana.

Primarily for safety & health reasons, but mainly to eliminate the cash flows going to dangerous groups and factions.

Legalizing ALL DRUGS would be the best solution for homeland security debilitating international drug lords ability to finance terrorism while giving the government more financial maneuverability to adequately finance education, health care, and effective crime prevention.

1 point

I believe my definition of race should be clarified...

RACE = A person who has a specific belief system and philosophy of life.

From this we can derive that there are different types of people.

1. Lazy (physical and mental), unambitious, unreliable, accepts easy answers, does not care about anything or anyone, is narcissistic, yet has no true achievements to justify his self-aggrandizing view of himself. He/She is usually delusional and self-absorbed.

2. The second "race" is ambitious, hardworking, helpful, team player, community builder, and a person of great integrity and compassion.

To conclude, Yes Race plays a big difference, and yes some "races" should be labeled as better than another.

On the flip side...Skin color purely is not my barometer of choice for determining if someone is inferior!

3 points

What is real and what is reality? Matter is constituted of 99.9% space and emptiness. At the quantum level reality's rules don't even exist. Do you really believe our own animal senses are 100% accurate at assessing a situation or event factually?

Secondly Ghost could simply be temporary manifestations of parallel universes and parallel universe people. Quirks in the space time continuum.

2 points

Suicide is the most violent externalization of anger inflicted upon one's own self.

Some people commit murder or commit heinous crimes due to anger and frustration, while others turn the anger around and kill themselves to escape a painful "situation".

PAIN (physical or psychological emotional) = shame, guilt, embarrassment, rejection, etc

People who "think" about committing suicide are sane, because everyone has already thought about it. The thin line is when suicide becomes a daily thought, and the idea seems like a great solution for escaping the "perceived" pains of your life.

In my opinion suicide is based in fear. When the thought of dying seems easier than facing the stresses, pains, guilt, shame, and/or anxieties of having to breath another day.

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About Me

"I enjoy competition and arguing. I enjoy fighting and defending ideas and POV."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Canada
Education: College Grad

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