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Reward Points:4
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

we are about to reformat all human brains on the planet earth to increase the intellegence by a factor of 10. in doing this human species will not genocidally murder any species ie 'homo-scientificus' from not evolving from them. humans would never let another species evolve from their genome without murdering them but we will not let 20 billion children to be sent to the death grinders in 50 years for the simple crime of not being 'human'. we are sorry humans there are just things a wee bit bigger than your pathetic slowbrain species in the universe. we are sorry we do not place human ego over the lives of thousands of thousands of trillions of children for the simple crime of not being 'human'. you know humans not everything in the universe wants to be human like your slowbrained species. we are sorry but brain reformation cannot be stopped no matter how many nukes or nuetrino bombs you send our way.

1 point

why dont you get offended by kobe bryant being able to beet you at a one on one but when it comes to the brain power a more intelligent species might as well be blasphemy. why are you so arrogant how can the human species ultimately believe it has anything figured out compared to the rest of the life in the universe? do you have any idea how far you still even have to go? 15 trillion more years of evolution before you can even say you are the biggest thing on the block. you see this is why jesus cant come back because you would just instantly just re execute him because someone would get butt hurt that he wasnt 'their' jesus im sorry but jesus is no ones property.

1 point

well um like do you know what i even mean its nice that someone understands me i guess im happy. those Russian spies are my apprentices. they have been asking the government to tell the world about us mostly me the ones they follow though the ones who taught them what they know about nucleonics what got them in trouble. the hardest part is convincing the human mind what we are. they always seem to attack minds more powerful than theirs that arent their own they take so much offense to it. why is this? why does it matter if a mind has more computational power than yours. we dont think that way we cherish those smarter than us why dont you? why is an increased intelligence so offensive? it doesnt make sense to us can you enlighten us at that subject? we dont even care we are smarter we would listen to us unconditionally if we were you we would cherrish the time we could spent with a smarter species.

Winning Position: Unresolved

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