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Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Clear and specific examples are lacking in your argument. Also your argument is weak as you did not explain or elaborate how the intervention of Word Bank and IMF impaired economic growth of the third world countries. Furthermore, corruption in third world countries are something common and this could be the reason why they remain underdeveloped and not because of foreign power.

1 point

Good development and well-elaborated argument. The use of Korea as example is relevant thus supporting and helps to better explain argument.

1 point

The presence of foreign power helps a country to maintain peace and stability in the country. Foreign power send their soldiers to help keep peace and also at the same time provide military training to the country's soldiers to help the country fight terrorism. They invest money to provide funds for the country to purchase military weapons and equipment. To illustrate this point, the United States(US) military aid has increased mostly in line with the "War on Terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan. By helping to train Iraq and Afghanistan forces, these countries are able to better protect their people themselves.

1 point

Need to provide concrete examples that Singaporeans largely do no recognise the Gender Revolution. Some Singaporeans no longer have the mindsets of our grandparents as the perception of women as housewives is not true in Singapore anymore.

1 point

Logical with elaborated explanations on how people cannot stop themselves from being changed by the society. However, explanations require a more substantial and clear example to better support explanations.

1 point

Chan wrote that we are still stuck in grandparents' traditional mindset. I disagree with his view as in today's society, we can see increasing number of people, becoming more liberal and no longer have the mindset of their grandparents. Meritocracy is being practised in some society and equal opportunies are given to both genders. Males are not given special priorities than females. The mindset of females as housewives and males are the breadwinners of the house is long gone. For example, in my country, females are allowed to work and some even occupies top positions in the company or corporation they are working in. In addition, females are given the chance to learn and study in school. However, in some parts of the world, people are still stuck with these grandparents' mindset. But as the world continues to grow, I believe these grandparents' mindset will slowly start to erode just as how these grandparents' mindset are being eroded in my country. Therefore not all of us are stuck in our grandparents' mindset.

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