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RSS Howarg01

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

The Gold Standard as a basis for our currency is simply outdated. We need a flexible monetary system that can be manipulated as needed by economic conditions. One other very important detail; with a gold standard, the value of your currency is controlled by the amount of gold available. The world's largest producer of gold is the former Soviet Union; do you want your currency controlled by a foreign government?

1 point

Also, Hitler did not "pull Germany out of debt"; Hitler used massive borrowing to finance the war, just as the Allies did.

1 point

Hitler was indeed a very poor military strategist - (1) failed to forcefully develop an atomic weapon despite the encouragement of his scientific staff, (2) failed to develop long-range bombers capable of striking the United States; such aircraft were feasible and supported by the German air command, (3) failed to develop counter measures against the Allied supply convoy system, (4) failed to fully implement the production of jet aircraft in a timely manner, (5) failed to succeed in the Ardennes Counter-offensive (aka as the Battle of the Bulge); Hitler's last chance to negotiate an end to the war in the west, (6) failed to adequately defend the Atlantic coast line, instead sending additional units to the Eastern Front and manning the French coastline with newer, untrained soldiers, and perhaps the biggest, most costly error was (7) Hitler's failure to subdue England before opening the Eastern Front thereby creating a two-front war. After the war, his general staff wrote how difficult it was to work with Hitler and that Hitler seldom took their advise. Remember, in WW1 Hitler was the equivalent of a lowly PFC and had no training or schooling in military strategy.

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