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RSS Hugoeng01

Reward Points:3
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

the use of technology is also used in our calculators , phones and projectors , therefore the it is the user , not the technology itself .

2 points

which is also made with technology , therefore the use of technology is very important

2 points

without technology , the modern day instruments such as electric guitars ,electric violins ,electric cellos and electric drumsets would not exist . artist such as david guetta and jerry C would not be able to exist today as famous musicians today .

2 points

there was technology even in the past , the leather we use today was also harvested with some technology in the past , in the past technology was more simpler , our technoloy today is just improvements made to the older designs , but the common misconception was that in the past they require no technology . in the past they used simple technology such as leather they used , it was made by killing an animal , than they would wash it and with simple technology , they would start a fire to dry the leather and be made into leather.

2 points

without technology there is no anime . and if no technology there would not be proper tables . even in the past there was technology , but hey were much more simple , so it is not true that the past requires no technology to live on .

1 point

it allows us to watch live soccer , tennis , basket ball from the conforts of our home , it will save us the time to maybe build a boat out of planks to sail to maybe the host country to watch the sport

2 points

techology would help the disabled such as wheel chairs and lifts to help the elderly up to tain platforms .

2 points

i demand that technology brings more advantages to society as , we are using this website which is also came from the technology of man . without this website , the debate would have been done in class , which would be less efficient as the time in class could be used for studies . therefore technology has brought advantages to our society . hence therefore without technology , we would be less efficient , more time consuming , less communications , and no computers . if without technology , we would not be able to study the sciences of life properly , we would not be able to look at the sells of our body , we would not be able to refer to google , we would not have live telecast/cartoons on our TV screens . imagine a world without going to other countries ( example taking a modern plan , which requires technology to be built ) to visit maybe the great wall of china . almost everything in our current lives require technology , including ouur homes require technology . even in the past , technology was need to build the great pyramids ( the pyramids where built with not pure 100% labor , they used simple machines such as simple cranes to lift the bricks ) without technology , we would not even be able to reach this stage of human intelligence . therefore it is a advantage to humans.

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