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RSS Kaieechin

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
0 points

Yes! war solved alot of problems. But I cant tolerant innocent civilian who died in wars

1 point

Different religion have different thought of god. For me, I believe in my god. It not must have any scientific proof that whether it is real anot but My god proof to me his real. Peace out

0 points

You can't really find your true love! Parents arranged maybe because of their families are rich or their children looks good. It is mostly about faces, parents wants to look good to others people or like showing off.

1 point

Yah rite. Sending email to friends? Or are you spamming Emails to your friends? Although is easier, but once you do anything wrong and sent out. There are no rewind or backspace.

2 points

Technology brings more advantages than disadvantages? No.

Advantages??? Nah. It can bring more harm to us. If a person use to much computer, he will have higher chance getting radiation. And It will also hurt your eyes.

In the olden days, people don't have hand phone or even a television(Kampong). They still can survive.

Nowadays teenagers because of computer issue quarrel with their parents. Relying on Technology is no good.

I got once went to buy some DVD at nearby shop. The first few one was fine but the fourth scanned up at full price. She didn’t know it was on sale, so I told her it was 20% off and she scanned it again but it was still the same price. She started to do it manually but said she didn’t have a calculator, so she didn’t know the price. I was stunned.

First, how can you work there and not know what’s on sale? But even worse – didn’t have a calculator? It was 20% off $30, hardly rocket science. Do we rely on calculators that much? Yes! Finally she fixed it and I paid for them and left. I know it’s just a small little thing but I can’t help but think that it’s a larger problem. Relying too much may cause us lack behind the real world. What if everything depending on electricity went off and all batteries went dead? Will we die?

People gets lazier, people loses social skills, people getting dumber or you can say less common sense and Criminal activities easier.

1 point

I don't think is encourage to watch this movie because most fighting scene is in the dark. You can't really see how batman fight. But this is the movie which cost a bomb on the climax scene.

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""You aint seen nothing yet!""

Biographical Information
Name: Riley Kai Ee
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Singapore
Education: Masters

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