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RSS Karentilley

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Thomas Jefferson was a decent president. Like all presidents, he brought positive and negative change. He did some good for the US but also did some bad. He wasn’t a perfect person, so he did make some bad choices about what to do, but they usually didn’t impact the US so much that it affected long term

2 points

There wasn't necessarily a good or a bad guy in this situation. Though the British did a lot of unfair things towards America, the American's too did some wrong. They both relied a lot on each other and when the other didn't meet expectations, they became angry, i assume. The British started to tax America, and America started to boycott these taxes, which was what brought around "no taxation without representation." The American's knew what they were doing demanding freedom, and that is what made the war come around. Though there is no good or bad guy in my opinion, I do say that the odds were in the British's favor, considering they had better weapons and a stronger set up military. They both were fighting for the best of their country, and that's all they knew to do. The ways they did it were completely up to them.

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