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RSS Keerthika

Reward Points:12
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I disagree with umairah as firstly, she said that people are unable to find answers for their questions but nowdays people are feeling lazy to analyze through the infomation to find the answers for their questions and they just find infomation that is not enough or unnessasary.It will at least take 15 to 30 minutes to find a proper answer. Secondly, she pointed out that people are unable to communicate face to face online but people can use the video call icon on top while chatting in Facebook. This help people to communicate face to face with others.Finally, i'm a bit confused with what umairah has wrote in the last line as she said that "technology is more of a advantage than a disadvantage" after she pointed out the disadvantages in her argument.

3 points

I disagree with daarshini's point as firstly, she still have to elaborate on the term'spoiling' as we identify how teenagers are using the social networks based on their exploration.Each teenager have their own way of using website but mostly they use it for good purposes.Secondly, she mend that a person who suicided and another who had depression. well, i would like to say that this causes are from influences as teenagers get influenced by their peers and decide to make friendship with others and get into these kind of problems

10 points

Yes. Technologies like internet helps us in school life as we can use required website for our projects homeworks and etc.Now days we are able to install apps in our phones and explore them conveniently such as google,wikipedia, and facebook.Sometimes we need many infomations from the internet and technologies are helpful in helping us to save the information we want for work or school. We are able to restrict websites we are not supposed to explore.In overall, technologies are more convenient and helpful in our lives.

Written By: keerthika 2n1

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