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RSS Laiminghui

Reward Points:4
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5 points

The motion states that we are being too/ overwhelmingly dependent on computers, which mean we are too reliant on the computer and its uses. Surely, it is not only the computer itself which is at fault-but also the Internet!

The computer is a powerful tool made to bring convenience to our work and the Internet is created to bring the world's information together. But nowadays, these features are exploited so much, we are almost taking them for granted! Take for example, when asked to do a research, what will most of the 20th century urban students do? Turn on the computer and access the internet.If computers are not allowed, students will surely groan and complain, and cannot or will not start their work. Whatever happened to the flipping actions done through pages of encyclopedias and reference books?

And in a more practical or realistic point of view- what happens if there is a major black out? No more electricity to the computers, or desktop at least. There will be lots of complaining and frustration going on as there will be no access to the internet to hook up with others or receive the latest information on the web. Eventually, people will blame the absence of the computer's help for halting their work too.

This is why we are too dependent on our computers in a way or another, as we need them for most things. The problem is that we are too hooked up to the computer to mind other alternatives of some things we do. When the power of computers are to shut down, the dependance on the computer that we have will be revealed.

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