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RSS Liewjiaying

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
liewjiaying(2) Clarified
1 point

Is your focus on education or the opportunity of getting help on studies? I feel that it is not every evident from your paragraph as you started off with "Education acts as a leveller to close up the gap of inequality", however you moved on to talk about tuition,

and ended with "inequality in the opportunity of getting help on studies still exist". Also, i feel that you sidetracked a little when you said "... more unaffordable for the lower income families" and "with a monthly household income of $1,300". It is not very clear which inequality you are referring to as you considered the presence of income gap. And i think there is too much statistics and not enough elaboration on the link.

1 point

Economic inequality can never be solved as the gap between the rich and the poor will always exist. In fact, this gap is widening with the recent economic growth. The rich tend to ride on the growth while the poor remains poor, resulting in a widening income gap. The Gini coefficient, which is commonly used as a measure of inequality of income or wealth, reflects this fact in most developed countries. Technology is one of the causes of the growing income gap as it raises the demand for skilled workers, hence resulting in a difference in salary between the skilled and unskilled workers and the presence of economic inequality in developed countries. Education is said to be the solution to resolving economic inequality. The less educated has a lower probability in becoming skilled workers and achieving higher wages, while the highly educated ones tend to climb up the corporate ladder faster. However, not everyone has a flair in studying, be it science or the arts. Therefore, it is almost impossible to ensure that everyone has a minimum education level. Hence, economic inequality can never be solved.

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