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RSS Lifecodes201

Reward Points:1
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2 points

People who are looking for disaster to occur are missing the boat when they talk about something coming from outer space. The greatest danger to modern man, aside from the occasional tsunami and earthquake and weather aberration is warfare. How long can nations continue to arm with deadly nuclear weapons before they want to use them? The world is full of disasters waiting to happen. What happens if extremist Muslims take over Pakistan? What if Iran is successful in creating a cache of nuclear weapons. What will happen when North Korea finally attacks the USA and or South Korea?

On top of it all there is at least one prophetess from Bugaria, named Vanga, a woman who had a track record of making startlingly accurate predictions who predicted that WWIII would break out late this year as a conventional conflict and expand into a WW spanning 2012 and eventually bringing nuclear weapons into play. She predicted the war would start out as conflict in Indonesia, and while no war is currently going on there, the country does have frequent attacks on shopping centers and other places by Muslim extremists. She predicted that later in the war Muslims would eventually attack Europe with chemical weapons and make in uninhabitable.

While Mayan experts claim the Mayans made not predictions about the end of the long calendar, which is the end of 13th B'ak'tun, one Mayan inscription found at a Mayan Sacred shrine did. Read this:

The Thirteenth [b'ak'tun] will end....

Black ...[illegible]...will occur....

(It will be) the descent(?) of Bolon Yokte' K'uh to the great (or "red"?)...[illegible]...

The author was predicting that at the end of this cycle, which is predicted to occur on Dec. 21, 2012 that something black will occur and that a person, described as the Mayan war deity will descend to the Earth.

I personally won't stake money on the belief that horrible things will necessarily take place precisely on December 21, 2012. However, I believe a cyclic change is taking place that is going to flush out a lot of stuff from the minds of humanity and it will cause a lot of upheavals and potentially devastating war around the time of the cyclic change if not right on it.

Supporting Evidence: Prophecy about 2012 (
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