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RSS Limcoln

Reward Points:3
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If there isn't technology, there wouldn't be such things such as phones, computer, social networking sites and even advanced medical treatment.

Without phones, how are you going to communicate with your friends worldwide or very far away.Like if you need to tell them something important, you can ext them if you have a phone right?

If there is no computer, there won't be this website, we wouldn't be here debating and we won't be able to do project works or use social networking sites

And if there is no medical treatment, many people would have died.There wouldn't be able to even undergo a surgery without technology.

1 point

If there isn't technology, there wouldn't be such things such as phones, computer, social networking sites and even advanced medical treatment.

Without phones, how are you going to communicate with your friends worldwide or very far away.Like if you need to tell them something important, you can ext them if you have a phone right?

If there is no computer, there won't be this website, we wouldn't be here debating and we won't be able to do project works or use social networking sites

And if there is no medical treatment, many people would have died.There wouldn't be able to even undergo a surgery without technology.

1 point

If there isn't technology, there wouldn't be such things such as phones, computer, social networking sites and even advanced medical treatment.

Without phones, how are you going to communicate with your friends worldwide or very far away.Like if you need to tell them something important, you can ext them if you have a phone right?

If there is no computer, there won't be this website, we wouldn't be here debating and we won't be able to do project works or use social networking sites

And if there is no medical treatment, many people would have died.There wouldn't be able to even undergo a surgery without technology.

1 point

If there isn't technology, there wouldn't be such things such as phones, computer, social networking sites and even advanced medical treatment.

Without phones, how are you going to communicate with your friends worldwide or very far away.Like if you need to tell them something important, you can ext them if you have a phone right?

If there is no computer, there won't be this website, we wouldn't be here debating and we won't be able to do project works or use social networking sites

And if there is no medical treatment, many people would have died.There wouldn't be able to even undergo a surgery without technology.

1 point

If there isn't technology, there wouldn't be such things such as phones, computer, social networking sites and even advanced medical treatment.

Without phones, how are you going to communicate with your friends worldwide or very far away.Like if you need to tell them something important, you can ext them if you have a phone right?

If there is no computer, there won't be this website, we wouldn't be here debating and we won't be able to do project works or use social networking sites

And if there is no medical treatment, many people would have died.There wouldn't be able to even undergo a surgery without technology.

1 point

Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Think about it, if most people have trouble on computers and almost all of us don’t know the actual limit of computers’ abilities, how will us, normal people, work with all the robots and machines? Moreover, just like computers, robots and machines will easily break and most time you won’t know how to fix them and one will have to call someone to fix them. People will loose their temper over this and it will create a large expense to repair them.

1 point

Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Think about it, if most people have trouble on computers and almost all of us don’t know the actual limit of computers’ abilities, how will us, normal people, work with all the robots and machines? Moreover, just like computers, robots and machines will easily break and most time you won’t know how to fix them and one will have to call someone to fix them. People will loose their temper over this and it will create a large expense to repair them.

1 point

Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Think about it, if most people have trouble on computers and almost all of us don’t know the actual limit of computers’ abilities, how will us, normal people, work with all the robots and machines? Moreover, just like computers, robots and machines will easily break and most time you won’t know how to fix them and one will have to call someone to fix them. People will loose their temper over this and it will create a large expense to repair them.

1 point

Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Think about it, if most people have trouble on computers and almost all of us don’t know the actual limit of computers’ abilities, how will us, normal people, work with all the robots and machines? Moreover, just like computers, robots and machines will easily break and most time you won’t know how to fix them and one will have to call someone to fix them. People will loose their temper over this and it will create a large expense to repair them.

1 point

As there are so many advantages from highly developed technology, there also is a great deal of disadvantages from them. One disadvantage is that as technology develops, robots and machines will take over many jobs and people will loose their jobs by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses. Moreover, as people use less money the economy would be difficult to control and especially if it is a country as large as the United States, the problem will influence the world greatly.

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