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RSS Linnea123

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
linnea123(5) Clarified
1 point

Well sorry, nobody asked you. and even if they did, they would see that your facts are wrong. After MANY failed attempts and years of fails, they finaly defeated them. What an acheivment. ANd yea, the Greeks were barbaric, says the ones who threw people in arenas and watched them fight to the death.

linnea123(5) Clarified
3 points

Better history? Thats funny. And their roads are basically one of the only useful things the Romans brought us. And Greece had/has 100 times better buildings than rome. Such as the Temple of Artemis, the Temple of Hera, the parthenon, The Temple of Apollo Epicurius, The Temple of Asclepius, The Temple of Segesta. Look them up

linnea123(5) Clarified
4 points

They didnt focus on defence? Well what is one of the most remembered, iconic, and brought up military tactics in the whole world? Oh yea, the trojan horse. A GREEK invention. The earliest greek civilisation noted by history started in the 8th century bc, possibly before that, and the romans 'conquered' the greeks in 146 BC. So thats about 754 years before the Romans took them. Easy? Even then, most Greek Kingdoms lasted much longer than this.

linnea123(5) Clarified
1 point

According to a research conducted by Mr. Aristidis Konstantinidis, the English language and international scientific terminology contain a more than hundred and fifty thousand Greek words. His study, which took 28 years to complete, led to the conclusion that one out of four English words is of Greek origin. So along with the word 'barbarian', they also have the word 'psychology', 'martial', 'music', etc. Would you like me to go on? For your information, the Romans dont even exist anymore, and who rose from their ashes? The Greeks. So much for Romans being the best.

3 points

Greeks emerged in the 8th century BC. They were one of the most advanced civilisation with mathematicians, philosophers, poets, etc, much more advanced than any other. Their works are the works that almost all modern projects are based on. They discovered revolutionary things such as the water mill, the ancient greek alarm clock, founded the Olympics, and was one of the earliest peoples to practise such advanced medicines. They're architecture, art, sculptures etc, is one of the most iconic, recognisable pieces of art around the world. The roman civilisation came after the greeks, 'using' many of the greek ideas such as the gods (same just with different names), sculptures, architecture etc, and claiming them as their own. Romans tried to defeat the greeks, but they failed. Multiple times, until they didn't. But they did not defeat the greek spirit and beauty, a trait still alive today. The greek art is one that is highly sought after, one that has been stolen time after time. Stolen from the hands of the gods that crafted them, one by one, with such precise accuracy it is incredible. No-one shall ever 'outdo' the greeks because it is impossible. The Romans were remembered for war, fighting and violence. All of those that were always the first choice, however, the greeks will always be remembered for their knowledge, wisdom, beauty, and advancement, all gathering together to also make strategic war tactics and victories such as the Spartans. As Winston Churchill once said in WW2; "Hence we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but heroes fight like greeks."

Winston Churchill - heroes fight like greeks
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