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RSS Lydialim

Reward Points:3
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

You can perhaps give an example of a country which has fallen deep in debt because they borrowed from financial institutions. However, in light of the ongoing financial crisis, Greece was going through a debt crisis since late 2009 and was offered a bailout package in 2012 by the EU member states, which assisted Greece and lightened their financial burden. Thus, foreign financial aid may not always cause an inflation of debt.

2 points

Yes, your point seems valid. Although the foreign power can assist in solving the problem of insufficient food as in the case of North Korea, the foreign power's true intention is different. Good point, and good example to substantiate your views.

2 points

Yes, the presence of a foreign power always helps, when a country is facing problems, and this can include the presence of poverty in many less developed countries. Many countries are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty, and this is mainly due to corruption of government, leading to financial resources being abused instead of being utilized to improve the economy. As such, people trapped in poverty suffer from low standards of living, as well as malnutrition, as there is insufficient employment opportunities, along with a lack of education among citizens. Hence, foreign powers may choose to intervene by introducing cohesive programmes in the form of education, sanitation, monetary aid etc in the bid to eradicate poverty faced by the country. Some of these includes the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), who has decided to colloborate and create a joint venture with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), AusAID, and the European Union (EU) to aims to provide new and improved access to appropriate, sustainable financial services, including savings, money transfers, insurance and loans for 250,000 people across the Pacific region. The long term benefits of such a plan will help to increase financial security of the poor, along with better access to heath and education, and this would help to improve their standard of living. Through such an example, it is evident that the presence of a foreign power is helpful in solving the problems faced by a country.

3 points

Chan Wai Leong felt that birth control techniques were able to greatly benefit women as they were now able to limit the sizes of their families and enter the workforce. In addition, they were helped by the fact that there was a revolution in the nature of the workplace, with more tedious and manual work being replaced by machines which can be easily operated. This is true of many different countries, as birth control techniques, including contraceptive pills or sterilization etc are highly effective. However, I disagree that this is the main reason why women wanted to limit their families and enter the workforce. The more dominant reason would be the introduction of education, which limited family sizes, also causing women to become more ambitious, hoping to shape a career path for themselves. Education in women was what led to the limit in their family sizes, and the refined and advanced birth control techniques are only considered a tool in helping women to achieve their goals. This is because birth control techniques, though widely known, may not be understood by those who have received little or no education. They may not have full understanding and knowledge of such techniques, or even have access to it. Large family sizes were still considered the traditional way of life, and women still were unable to enter the workforce, due to their lack of educational prospects. As such, I do not agree that birth control techniques allowed women to enter the workforce, but it was the introduction of education that was responsible for it. Consider, Singapore, a developed country with advanced technology. Both men and women enjoy high adult literacy rates, which allowed women to enter the workforce and compete against men in the corporate world. At the same time, we see a decline in our birth rates. This is not only caused by birth control techniques, but women yearning to shape for themselves a bright career. Therefore, birth control techniques did not lead to women limiting their family size and entering the workforce. In fact, education was responsible for it.

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